Any George experts out there?
I want something that’s better than an email for commercial quotes but can’t seem to get anything more than a few words job description onto a George estimate. It would be nice to add a few more lines like how regularly and any extras included onto the quote.
Thanks in advance
We run George. When George was first introduced it was a very basic program. We didn't have provision within George to do estimates or produce invoices. That came at a later date. Hence we have always used an Excel spreadsheet to track expenses and a Word document for any other form of communication.
Our quotes/estimates are done on a Microsoft Word document and tailored to each customer. Included will be an individually assessed Risk and Method statement as well as a copy of our Public Liability Insurance certificate.
Your estimate needs to detail exactly what the job is you are quoting for. For example, when we took on our new build local high school we specified that the removal of paint etc on the windows from the builders is not covered in our quotation. 10 years on that paint is still on the windows.
I believe that this is the professional way we should do things. Gone are the days when a salesman (which cap we also wear) wrote his quote down on the back of a cigarette pack or a bit of cardboard he picked up off the ground.
Part and parcel of that Word document is our business name, address, contact details and logo.