the best tip I was ever given was to give three prices, with a cheap clean, middle and high spec, it works because it gives the prospect choice of what they want to pay you. not a choice between you and some other carpet cleaner.
If you only give one price they might like you but not your price. In the UK we dont haggle which is a major problem. why dont people question a price. they can see that between three different carpet cleaners that might be a massive price difference.
One other reason why its good to give three prices is, why should someone that has stained carpets, never vacs, does not move anything for you, pay the same price as someone that has stain free carpets, take care of then and move stuff for you? what interesting is the dirty person always wants a cheap price.
When you remove a stain this is not just cleaning its restoration. the time and money and skill should not just be given away.