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I’ve just looked on a couple of well known suppliers sites and have seen the vast majority if not all of there new brush range only accommodates cold water users,anyone that uses hot water knows it’s better but we are running out of choices when it comes to brushes by the looks of it 30 degree water is no good for me I’d like to see brushes that can handle hotter water.
They are to stiff m8 they are like bass brooms,they need to start doing brushes that keep there shape with hot water any hotter than 40degrees kills em.
It’s such a limited market, I doubt they would recover their costs designing one specifically for hot water Hman should be of help to you
They don’t need to be as stiff as they are my water is over 60 degrees but I still like a bit of flop in the brush without it deforming flat
The good brushes last no time at all with hot water,I generally turn mine round when they lose shape the hot water tends to make the bristles on the bottom of the stock seperate from the others. I will ordering some of the new ones out next week see how they compare,I know with cold water they are very good but not with the hot 🥵.