To release
Rod method:
You will need a length of metal tube (such as a length of 15mm copper pipe or similar) or a thin wooden rod. There are two possible techniques:
Slide a metal tube or rod up the inside of the #1 section and ensure that it is at least 15cm longer than the section.
Hold the #1 section firmly.
Then with a hammer or mallet - impact the end of the metal tube/rod to force the gooseneck out.
Slide Down
Slide a metal tube or rod up the inside of the #1 section and ensure that it is at least 15cm longer than the section.
Rest the base of the metal tube/rod on a hard surface that does not matter if it gets marked (so not your new vinyl kitchen floor!)
Holding the #1 section, firmly slide it up off the metal tube/rod by about 1-2ft and then slide it down very hard and fast so that the metal tube/rod will push out the gooseneck.
Once free give our team a call on 01726 66400 or email on & we can sort out a replacement base part for you.
Any problems doing this give us a call and we can assist further.