I love mine.
It’s a grippatank 9kw unit and gives piping hot water. (Nearly too hot)
I use it all day every day, even in the hot weather.
The benefits are for me as I see it;
-Hoses are a doddle to manage.
-Deeper cleaning of glass and frames.
- speed and efficiency ( probably one or two houses a day)
I know many say that there’s no quality difference between hot and cold, but I definitely feel
There is.
After 6 months or so of using HOT water, you will see and feel windows becoming easier to clean. It’s like over time you are really giving them a deep clean. The first 3 or 4 cleans with hot I noticed I was getting spotting issues, it must be the hot water dissolving more dirt from the seals etc than before. But then after a few cleans, you can just fly through work.
(Let the comments that I’m wrong commence.)