What is the correct resin to use in my DI bottle i have always used Mixed bead resin,but but just seen a Brodex tank with RO and DI bottle filled with ion exchange Resin ,,any Answers please ....
Its the same stuff, just a different 'name'. Mixed bead resin is the description and ion exchange resin is what it does. The resin Brodex supplies is more expensive. We don't know what resin they sell as they advise that the manufacturer may vary. Is it the cheapest they can find which they repackage to make the most profit? Do they use different suppliers depending on their credit standings with each one?
There are different manufacturers of resin. We tend to be happy with Tulsion MB115 resin which suits our water.
Daqua do a variety of different resins for different water compositions and applications. You know that you are buying genuine Tulsion resins when purchasing from Daqua.
This is important. Purefreedom were selling Tulsion resin a while back in their own packaging that wasn't Tulsion at all. It was rubbish stuff.
As you are aware water structure can change so the balance of anions and cations could also change. MB-115 is a ratio of 1.5 with the anion side more loaded. If you water structure was 1.3/5 anion loaded then both resins would deplete at the same time. If all of a sudden you had an imbalance and water became 1/1 then the cation would deplete first.
Cation ions are most common to cause spotting as they are minerals like calcium, lead etc.. which are high in water some areas as you can tell where people have their hose tap's by the kitchen windows you will see the windows etched with hard water stains.