HMan - you really are a dangerous man
Your pushing some silly modification without ANY facts and figures - so suppose I do what you say and in 10 years time my employees come back to me with terrible RSI injuries are you going to stand up and prove medically that this was the best solution - when on a previous thread I posted 5 or 6 ergonomic handles from Unger and the like
basically your just sticking a lump of plastic ( your own Weil-loc) into a handle ( and badly at that - you've not even de-burred the end) people are in more danger of cutting themselves on the poor implementation than they are of RSI
which is why as an employer I buy the top of the range gear that has been properly researched and approved for use - not some bodge up created in a garden shed
If I was you just stick to screwing 2 bits of plastic together and calling it a new invention
. but please stay clear of trying to be an authority on H&S - you clearly have no idea
once again
best wishes