Firstly, Please dont be harsh on me when replying to below questions, as you know I am still on learning curve.
So finally got my LS Cleanfix machine with drive board, red pad and white brush head (which Meant to be soft) - to me it looks like nylon guitar strings and feels rather hard, and red pad. Could you please tell me how and what can I use it for ? It seems like many of you also got white pads, what are they for ? Also, I come across a bonnet and microfibre pads - are they to dry carpet/remove residue ? When and how would you use them ?
As I am still awaiting my training (1 more week), Would any of you good people explain to me (step by step) LM process using the above machine and pads. Shoud I prespray pads with the solution as well as the carpet ? Whould you still use the extraction machine afterwards ? Would you vacuum at the end ? Also, how would you get into the corners to agitate/clean them - would you use additional tool or just agitete/clean with a brush ?
Thank you in advance !!!