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John Mart

Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #40 on: March 13, 2019, 06:48:44 pm »
I never work in the pouring rain unless it’s a wash down or gutters,depends what they are paying if they are small jobs then fair enough but I wouldn’t want to upset or make it look like I’m taking the pee out of em when it’s lashing down,you can say it makes no difference all you like if it’s there opinion you are taking the pee then that’s all that matters they are paying.
I say to them I work if it’s drizzling but I say won’t turn up in the rain if it’s stairods,you have to use you’re loaf when they are paying good money.

I agree, my customers pay from £7 to £90 to have their house cleaned, wouldn't want to clean in driving rain for my million pound houses to have dirty windows the following day, I'd soon lose custom that way
If they are £5 council houses that's a different kettle of fish

So you fall into the category of pleasing socially well to do people and bow to their wims.
Obviously use common sense with what rain you are prepared to work in. However to ME, i wouldnt treat the well off any different to the poorer. They are only Human.  If my service is good enough for one then its good enough for the next person and the same reason I work in the rain applies to them all.

I'm on about the relative price difference, I wouldn't want to pay £ 90 for window cleaning only for it to look terrible within 12 hours, £5 isn't so bad.
I try and treat everyone with the respect they deserve
The £5 may be a much bigger slice of disposable income than the £90. Not a very pleasant attitude towards poorer people.


  • Posts: 4250
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #41 on: March 13, 2019, 07:11:05 pm »
All 3 kitchen windows on the weather side of the house always spot after heavy rain.....rain is might be near pure but there is dirt in it.
Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #42 on: March 13, 2019, 08:09:45 pm »
All 3 kitchen windows on the weather side of the house always spot after heavy rain.....rain is might be near pure but there is dirt in it.

stop looking for excuses.....just work in it..... ;D
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 25118
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #43 on: March 13, 2019, 08:10:28 pm »
When I set out my stall I offered a rain guarantee inasmuch that I would reclean within 24 hours any windows that came up dirty.

In the fourteen years I have been wfp I have been asked to go back three times. Each time the only windows affected were the ones facing the weather so it wasn't as if I had to re-clean the whole house; just one or two sides at the most.

New customers get told I clean in showers and light rain. They all accept this. When one doesn't then they can find another window cleaner. Simples.
It's a game of three halves!

Dave Willis

Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #44 on: March 13, 2019, 09:01:05 pm »
45mph winds and heavy rain tomorrow, sod that. I’d rather stay warm and dry. I’m not that desperate. Might take the rest of the week off too. Why not? I am the boss after all. One of the perks of the job.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #45 on: March 13, 2019, 09:23:19 pm »
Its funny how people have certain mind sets to say virtually all on here are self employed.
"If you work in the rain you must be desperate!"
"Customers, only tolerate you working in the rain"
"Its taking the P's working innthe rain"
"The poor dont mind as i dont care if if inloose the crumbs they pay compared to my posh customers"  :o  ;D

Really!  I mean really!!! ::)roll
So when weve had a week of solid rain, how many will be moaning that theyve fell behind on their work or loss of income??  Or the inevitable,,,,,you are forced to go out and work in it regardless! Yet what remarkable thing happens?  Thats right you loose all your work as the customers are not happy and all the windows look worse than they did before you cleaned them  ::)roll ::)roll     NO i dont think so!
But you still dont learn! 

Ive spoken to quite a number of shiners in various parts of Scotland recently and one thing I asked was about the mindset of people because one thing scotland is known for is the rain!  Their mindset is that work continues as normal and thats of the customers as well. Completely different to,   oh look at that poor fella, he must be desperate!

Really, some of the responses on here are unbelievable


  • Posts: 2218
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #46 on: March 14, 2019, 12:03:05 am »
I never work in the pouring rain unless it’s a wash down or gutters,depends what they are paying if they are small jobs then fair enough but I wouldn’t want to upset or make it look like I’m taking the pee out of em when it’s lashing down,you can say it makes no difference all you like if it’s there opinion you are taking the pee then that’s all that matters they are paying.
I say to them I work if it’s drizzling but I say won’t turn up in the rain if it’s stairods,you have to use you’re loaf when they are paying good money.

I agree, my customers pay from £7 to £90 to have their house cleaned, wouldn't want to clean in driving rain for my million pound houses to have dirty windows the following day, I'd soon lose custom that way
If they are £5 council houses that's a different kettle of fish

So you fall into the category of pleasing socially well to do people and bow to their wims.
Obviously use common sense with what rain you are prepared to work in. However to ME, i wouldnt treat the well off any different to the poorer. They are only Human.  If my service is good enough for one then its good enough for the next person and the same reason I work in the rain applies to them all.

I'm on about the relative price difference, I wouldn't want to pay £ 90 for window cleaning only for it to look terrible within 12 hours, £5 isn't so bad.
I try and treat everyone with the respect they deserve
The £5 may be a much bigger slice of disposable income than the £90. Not a very pleasant attitude towards poorer people.

Let them eat cake!!!!


  • Posts: 2218
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #47 on: March 14, 2019, 12:05:33 am »
What I really meant was, I can afford to lose the odd cheap house, don't want to lose the big rich ones though
There, is that better????

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #48 on: March 14, 2019, 12:33:36 am »
Is a bacon bagel anti-Muslamic?


Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #49 on: March 14, 2019, 07:02:58 am »

If it's raining, i will generally still work, just stick me waterproofs on.

If its high winds and rain like it was here in woking on Tuesday, nahh. Forget it.

You have to be sensible, its not about "being your own boss" or What the customer thinks, its about being able to see what your doing, as on Tuesday it was sideways sheets of water coming down and high gales..


  • Posts: 23862
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #50 on: March 14, 2019, 08:11:32 am »
45mph winds and heavy rain tomorrow, sod that. I’d rather stay warm and dry. I’m not that desperate. Might take the rest of the week off too. Why not? I am the boss after all. One of the perks of the job.

fair enough dave....its true you can do what you want but you ve already resigned to having tomorrow off with that statement.....

it might have forecast 45mph winds(which are usually not that bad in reality as its not constant,thatll be the strongest gusts)and heavy rain(not raining here at the moment)which is very hit and miss.......

sod not missing out on £200+ for 5 hours work because i might get a little bit mainly on commercial so it doesnt matter.......splash and dash here i come! :D
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #51 on: March 14, 2019, 09:55:30 am »
People can say what they like about working in the rain but I wouldn’t get misled into thinking because they may not say anything their happy about it,if someone is paying a lot of money to have there windows cleaned where I work the vast majority would say something if they got cleaned in the pouring rain.
Tbh honest I don’t blame them it’s all part of doing this job you have to accept the odd day that you can’t work because of it,employing doesn’t provide an excuse the customers are paying you we all have are jobs when we can get away with it but not on the whole I would say personally.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #52 on: March 14, 2019, 10:15:15 am »
So the vast majority of my work is on a 4 wkly basis and so its very easy maintenance cleans.  We dont oftennget the sand storms etc and im certainly not on the coast and have to worry about seagull poop or salts etc. Therefore my windows are virtually clean by 4 weeks!
Yet I dont understand why?  As the likes of some on this thread would say that rain water and the heavy downpours and high winds will blow all sorts of crud onto to windows during those four weeks.  So i must be in some sort of fairy tale land because this simply isnt the case.  I also certainly dont get customers who phone me saying its rained five minutes after i cleaned the windows and they are filthy again, could i come straight round 😂😂

Therefore it makes absolutely no difference if it rains before, during or after.
All my customers have been educated as to why i work in the rain and i remind them on the cleaned cards i leave. (All be it wrote on and trust me i print the word work now  ;D ;D)

So it comes down to mindset whichbis the same as pricing. Some have the mindset of a customer when it comes to pricing. "I cant charge that i would be embarassed or told where to go"
Whilst others charge with a business mindset.  Its absolutely the same in this case of working in the rain.  The evidence; theres plenty of us who work in the rain and dont get call backs / dont loose work due to quality afterwards etc etc etc. But because in their own head, they wouldnt want their own windows cleaned in the rain they then feel that others wont either and therefore dont.  Which again is fine its their choice.  All im saying is dont tell the guys which dont have a problem doing so, desperate or foolish for doing so.

John Mart

Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #53 on: March 14, 2019, 11:27:05 am »
People can say what they like about working in the rain but I wouldn’t get misled into thinking because they may not say anything their happy about it,if someone is paying a lot of money to have there windows cleaned where I work the vast majority would say something if they got cleaned in the pouring rain.
Tbh honest I don’t blame them it’s all part of doing this job you have to accept the odd day that you can’t work because of it,employing doesn’t provide an excuse the customers are paying you we all have are jobs when we can get away with it but not on the whole I would say personally.
How do you know this?


  • Posts: 8154
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #54 on: March 14, 2019, 01:05:20 pm »
He's carried out a survey.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8850
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #55 on: March 14, 2019, 01:17:10 pm »
People can say what they like about working in the rain but I wouldn’t get misled into thinking because they may not say anything their happy about it,if someone is paying a lot of money to have there windows cleaned where I work the vast majority would say something if they got cleaned in the pouring rain.
Tbh honest I don’t blame them it’s all part of doing this job you have to accept the odd day that you can’t work because of it,employing doesn’t provide an excuse the customers are paying you we all have are jobs when we can get away with it but not on the whole I would say personally.
How do you know this?

I would say when it comes to complaining he's right, that said I would say its more a case of customers not really giving their windows a second thought that helps those who clean in all sorts get away with it, god help us all if customers ever decide to question value for money.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8850
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #56 on: March 14, 2019, 01:28:53 pm »
So the vast majority of my work is on a 4 wkly basis and so its very easy maintenance cleans.  We dont oftennget the sand storms etc and im certainly not on the coast and have to worry about seagull poop or salts etc. Therefore my windows are virtually clean by 4 weeks!
Yet I dont understand why?  As the likes of some on this thread would say that rain water and the heavy downpours and high winds will blow all sorts of crud onto to windows during those four weeks.  So i must be in some sort of fairy tale land because this simply isnt the case.  I also certainly dont get customers who phone me saying its rained five minutes after i cleaned the windows and they are filthy again, could i come straight round 😂😂

Therefore it makes absolutely no difference if it rains before, during or after.
All my customers have been educated as to why i work in the rain and i remind them on the cleaned cards i leave. (All be it wrote on and trust me i print the word work now  ;D ;D)

So it comes down to mindset whichbis the same as pricing. Some have the mindset of a customer when it comes to pricing. "I cant charge that i would be embarassed or told where to go"
Whilst others charge with a business mindset.  Its absolutely the same in this case of working in the rain.  The evidence; theres plenty of us who work in the rain and dont get call backs / dont loose work due to quality afterwards etc etc etc. But because in their own head, they wouldnt want their own windows cleaned in the rain they then feel that others wont either and therefore dont.  Which again is fine its their choice.  All im saying is dont tell the guys which dont have a problem doing so, desperate or foolish for doing so.

Iv seen me clean my own windows in stormy weather only to see them worse than before I cleaned them by the end of the day, have also experienced it on customers windows as well.
Theres working in the rain and theres working in the rain, a good shiner will know when its a pointless exercise, I dont know what your local weather was like yesterday but in what I experenced yesterday I would have no problem calling anyone cleaning windows in it desperate.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #57 on: March 14, 2019, 02:24:04 pm »
Dry clean thank goodness someone sees it from my point of view,
Nathan you are doing 4 weekly maintenance cleans you are not charging a massive amount of money per clean I’m guessing so you are dealing with a different customer viewpoint,if I go to clean someone’s windows for over a couple of hundred quid in the lashing rain they are going to quibble whether I may be taking the urine.
If you buy something from a shop or something for work that’s cheap and doesn’t do the job you Chuck it in the bin  and put it down to experience because it was cheap,if you are paying 10-15 quid for you’re Windows in the rain oh well next month it’ll probably be done in the dry,think of the same scenario if you’re paying over 100-200 quid it would make you question things a bit more.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #58 on: March 14, 2019, 02:25:56 pm »
Think back to the good old days of traditional cleaning we accepted then if it rained we couldn’t work it was a big part of doing the job,methods might have changed but most customers attitude towards window cleaning and rain haven’t a great deal in my experience.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Dear customer due to the....
« Reply #59 on: March 14, 2019, 02:34:12 pm »
Think back to the good old days of traditional cleaning we accepted then if it rained we couldn’t work it was a big part of doing the job,methods might have changed but most customers attitude towards window cleaning and rain haven’t a great deal in my experience.

Im not disagreeing with the fact that theres a limit as to what rain type/conditions people can work in. Thats not my point!
My point is, if im prepared to work in the rain it makes no difference ti the customer type that im going to clean. I wouldnt think im working on posh house 1 today so best skip it.

On above point, thats why its a case of educating customers. Many still think its beer money work etc but they are starting to be educated. Also the same with telling some folks "yes the windows dry on their own, i dont take the water off" 😂😂
Its no different to starting to educate that new methods mean u can work successfully in the rain