The store manager. They have the autonomy to control the budget in their store.
We lost a few Sainsbury's Locals about 5 years ago as the automony to dictate who cleans their windows was taken out of their hands and given to their inhouse maintenance team that cleaned all Sainsbury's shops. The store was still charged for the clean.
One of our store managers argued with h/q for months before he had to give us notice. He was initially told he could continue with our service but he would have to pay our invoices from his pocket and claim it back the following month on his expense account.
We cleaned them out of hours at 5am where the inhouse team cleaned them during business hours. This meant he had to shut the shop doors whilst the entrance was cleaned which they didn't do when we did them. He wasn't happy with that.
I guess that things must have changed again then. I've never followed up on these customers as cleaning shops windows at 5am in the winter was a struggle.
Getting paid was also a problem as the manager responsible worked different shifts and the only time he had money was just after payday.