Here's his first post on the subject, no running costs, electric on demand, now come on guys lets get a bit of common sense.
Window Cleaning Issues / New method for hot water
« on: November 14, 2017, 09:59:48 am »
For a while now I've wanted to come up with a product for the industry.
I am currently working on a new hot water product with all of the upsides of gas and diesel but none of the downsides of either. (Both have plenty)
This will be an electric on demand heater with no running costs, hotter and faster to heat than diesel, digital temp control, no 20 min timer like gas, frost protection built in and the ability to use hot all day everyday with no running costs and no servicing required.
No it's not an immersion heater. This will be on demand and piping hot, like gas.
I hope to trial this system on my vans by next spring/summer. Just working on the design now. I also hope to deliver this product for considerably less cost than diesel options.