Simon and crystal clear. re texts and access
We text everyone at 7pm from cleaner planner. Customer cannot text back, but we still get the odd messer email or call in the morning. Depending on the reason we may or may not let them cancel on the day. We stand our ground with customers, which as I said before can seometimes lead to a meltdown by the customer which leads to a bad google review. we find that explaining things clearly at the start helps this. I also have a very black and white attitude when it comes to being messed around, Im very quick to drop people that mess us in any way. We drop loads for lots of reasons, just replace. Had one yesterday, she moans about something litterally every time, Ive had enough of hearing it, dropped.
When it comes to access this is a converstaion we have with every new customer, we do not take on a customer that either has no back access or is unwilling to leave it open after getting a text. Of course theres always a few every day that just forget in that case we get a ladder out and go over the gate. If the cleaner cant or wont do that (up to them) then its front only for half price, If the customer does this too much we call them with a warning.