Cheers John,
Don't think the Mini waste tank would be up to that (with a built-in 6.6 plus 6.6 Booster POD), but could have a look at the Pro with single 6.6 option. When working without the Booster POD, a single 6.6 would work ok, but with a bit less airflow than we'd normally recommend - we'd normally recommend 2 x 3-stage as a minimum which gives you about 30% more airflow than a single 6.6 (although in terms of total air watts the single 6.6 isn't far behind). We haven't production tested the Storm with in-series vac set-up (as we found it works better in parallel), so we'd have to run on test which would take about 6 months (assuming there weren't any problems).
We've tested lots of different combos of pump and vacs, and with the vacs currently available to us we've found 2 x 3-stage vacs to be the best use of a single power cord, and 2 x 6.6 vacs the best option with two power cords, although we're always happy to look at any suggestions or different user preferences.