I've been in business just under a year now and have tried different things in regards to pricing (including three rooms for £55!!... a busy fool!! lol). But by far the best thing I've done is set a minimum price of £80 ( going up to £90 in the New year) for the first area to be cleaned. How can i justify this price? I have invested heavily on training which included the Cleansmart course with Derek Bolton, the Restormate training with John Kelly and the NCCA course with Paul Pearce. These are all legends within the cleaning industry and the knowledge they have given me on carpet cleaning and how to succeed I believe sets me apart from 90% of the cleaners in my area. I have also invested heavily on equipment like the Airflex pro, vac booster pod, Magma heaters, air movers, wand glides, Floormacs, two inch vac hoses, professional website, marketing etc. I also visit customers homes prior to cleaning, performing burn tests, ph tests (if it has been cleaned before) and then explain to the customer my ten step process in carpet cleaning. I am always immaculately dressed on the first visit with clothing which bears my company logo on one side and the NCCA logo on the other plus a shirt and tie. I always leave my quotation form in a glossy folder with my logo and contact info on it ( tip from John Kelly). In the folder is info on how I'll clean your carpets and upholstery plus tips on stain removal and also a sheet on why you should choose a NCCA member. I also leave a free spotter bottle with my logo and contact info on it. This is given to the customer regardless if I get the job or not. I am polite and respectful and often engage the customers in other topics apart from carpet cleaning which helps gain their trust and 90% of the time I walk out from the customers home with at least £100 worth of work ( lounge and a hall). I ooze professionalism lol. I have just finished my first Christmas period and made more money in a week than my last job paid in a month. I think it was John Kelly who said to me ( I may be wrong) "it's up to you which car you want to drive a Ford or a Mercedes".
Sorry about the long ( first) post but what I'm trying to say is I provide a top professional service and my prices must reflect this or I'm selling myself and my family short.
ps my next door neighbour is a dog trainer who has a minimum charge of £80 for one hours training