So far so good, obviously haven't been using it long enough to notice wear on the sections yet but I've been using it as I would my slx 25 shutting the odd window and fully extended over garages etc and doesn't feel like I'm going to break it, after reading stories about the extreme being delicate I was a little worried as this must be delicate too but feels ok to me, obviously it's lighter than my slx which is why I chose it as my shoulder is playing up and it's even lighter than the extreme 25 but the price tag over an slx is a lot more and now after owning my first lightweight pole not sure this or even and extreme is worth the extra just to save about 340 grams (can of corned beef) if you have no injuries or problems in my opinion but I know others will disagree. I think I would still choose the phantom carbon over the slx if I didn't have my hi mod as the clamps are better and also like the no glue to fix one if one breaks and the adjustable angle neck and quick release system is better (sorry mr Alex Gardiner) . If you need anymore info I'll try and help you out?