What are you saying then you’d rather pay more tax rather than have a lower tax bill and have the benefits of having new equipment.
So let’s say for round numbers.......
Your bank account has £10,000 in it.
You meet up with your accountant and You know you’ve got a potential tax bill coming up of £5,000.
You would like to pay less (who doesn’t)
So you decide to buy some equipment totalling £5,000.
That purchase would reduce your tax bill by roughly £1,450.
So your financial position.......
Starting bank balance £10,000
Purchase of £5,000
your bank balance is down to £5,000.
Your tax bill is now reduced to £3,550.
Essentially if your sole purpose was to save money by purchasing equipment, then you’ve just cost yourself an extra £3550.
The easiest way to think of it is, whatever you purchase, calculate 29% of the price, and that’s what you reduce your tax bill by.