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  • Posts: 948
GoCardless Texts
« on: September 15, 2018, 05:02:22 pm »
Going to start sending out Texts on a regular basis to invite customers to switch over to GoCardless.

Just wanted to see some templates of what you guys say that works for you.  Trying to find the balance between being too aggressive with it, but also giving them a good nudge to get on with it but in a polite way!



  • Posts: 5366
Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2018, 06:03:37 pm »
For me getting new customers onto GoCardless is easy, they have no choice in the matter and no one has disputes it.   However getting existing customers onto it is slow for me. I did one campaign where I offered half price cleans for ones who switched onto it, which worked but not everyone took the bait. So I'm planning on doing something very similar again soon


  • Posts: 948
Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2018, 06:09:21 pm »
For me getting new customers onto GoCardless is easy, they have no choice in the matter and no one has disputes it.   However getting existing customers onto it is slow for me. I did one campaign where I offered half price cleans for ones who switched onto it, which worked but not everyone took the bait. So I'm planning on doing something very similar again soon

Okay, I will be taking that approach for new customers moving forwards soon enough.  I am more concerned with existing customers though.  How many existing customers did you convert over with your letter that you sent out?

I don't mind if the transfer process is slow.  Even if it takes 1 year to get all customers on GoCardless i dont mind.  My plan is to slowly keep feeding customers bait maybe every 3 months with texts and letters.  Eventually those who dont take the bait after a year will be told it's GoCardless or GoElsewhere.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2018, 06:19:50 pm »
Initially I did a letter trying to explain it all, with some added FAQ's and then at the bottom of the letter I mentioned if they register before their next clean, they get the discount.. I have about 70 customers on GoCardless at the moment.

Recently ones have been asking what happens if I don't clean them. I've realised that many get themselves confused between standing orders and direct debits and so my next campaign will highlight the fact that if I don't clean they don't get billed.
The other frequent point is letting them know I process the payment, as in entering the amount. All they do is register with their direct debit mandate.

Maybe a text that says

With the advancement of technology, I have made it even easier to pay for your window cleaning service to ensure your kept up to date without any hassle on your part.  Simply fill out your details to register and I process the payment via direct debit after and only after a clean has been completed. For further details see my Web page ( and apply before X date and receive your next clean at 50%


  • Posts: 5602
Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2018, 09:32:19 pm »
i found it very difficult to move existing customers on to gocardless, they just become set in their ways


  • Posts: 1348
Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2018, 07:41:39 am »
I sent this out:

Hi xxxxxx, I hope you're well. Firstly, thank you for your continued custom with regards our window cleaning services. Your windows are due to be cleaned next week. All our customers are now moving over to our direct debit method for payment, the  account details you have are no longer in use. We request payment only after each clean - our customers have found this a much simpler way to pay. Please can you text me your email address and I can forward you the details. Many thank

I have only had a few who didn't want to do it, and to be honest they pay straight away when we clean so I don't mind too much. There's a couple who were funny and I said due to our banking and associated costs going up I didn't want to introduce drastic price increases, and this method was free for them. It's amazing how many 'ok that's fine' texts came through and they signed up after saying that. A couple were adamant and so I increased their price and they were fine with that.


  • Posts: 8164
Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2018, 09:48:59 am »
I think someone should put a video together on how to get customers to switch over to GC.

Clever Forum Name

  • Posts: 5942
Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2018, 10:10:20 am »
I think someone should put a video together on how to get customers to switch over to GC.


  • Posts: 6161
Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2018, 11:25:27 am »
Put it on your windows cleaned today slips
If you see a customer in person,  tell them about it, explain the benefits etc

text them all and explain the beneifts and how it would be great for you and them if they switched over

a month later text them all again and offer them an incentive.. free clean maybe

Just make it appealing...what about entry into a christmas raffle offer for anyone who signs up in the next month say,  you could say for each customer that signs up £10 will be added to the pot and raffle winnner gets the cash for crimbo

OR, a cheeky one...winner of raffle gets lifetime free window cleaning...then dump them after they have won lol  :o

Marc Stock

Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2018, 12:01:20 pm »
i found it very difficult to move existing customers on to gocardless, they just become set in their ways

If it aint broke dont fix it.

If they pay you, it doesn't matter. I dont push go cardless, if they want it its there  have around 70 customers on it as it suits them.

If they become problem payers, then just stop going and tell them go cardless is an open option for them if they want to continue the service.

Easy peasy..


  • Posts: 948
Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2018, 10:09:53 am »
Thoughts on this please.  This will be the first text i send out to customers.  I will be sending letters out first, then texts about 1/2 months after.  For those who dont know, i dont do the physical cleaning in my business anymore due to health, so i rarely get to see the customers in person.


"Hi, we have introduced a new flexible Direct Debit payment system which we are finding makes keeping upto date with payments on our end much easier and also benefits our customers too, as they no longer have to look around the house for cash/cheque or go to a cash machine prior to clean, and for those who pay online it saves you the hassle of having to remember to pay us after each clean which can be easily forgotten.

All you need to do is go to our website at -
Then click the blue button on our website that says “Pay with GOCARDLESS”

Once you have done this simply fill in the form with your details to setup the Direct Debit.  It takes only a few minutes.  If for any reason you have a problem setting it up we can simply setup the direct debit for you over the phone.

Payment is then taking automatically only after each clean.  Payment will take 3-5 days to reach our account after the clean.  You will receive an email notifying of when the payment will be taken.

Direct Debit can be cancelled at any time, and to confirm payment is only taken after each clean.  So if you ever you miss out a clean, payment will not be processed.

25% off your next clean if you setup GoCardless Direct Debit with us before November 2019.

Many Thanks
Josh Quantum Shine Window Cleaning"

What do you all think?  Too long?  I want to shorten it, but i also like to give out all the facts and i think my text explains everything.

John Mart

Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2018, 11:04:23 am »
Thoughts on this please.  This will be the first text i send out to customers.  I will be sending letters out first, then texts about 1/2 months after.  For those who dont know, i dont do the physical cleaning in my business anymore due to health, so i rarely get to see the customers in person.


"Hi, we have introduced a new flexible Direct Debit payment system which we are finding makes keeping upto date with payments on our end much easier and also benefits our customers too, as they no longer have to look around the house for cash/cheque or go to a cash machine prior to clean, and for those who pay online it saves you the hassle of having to remember to pay us after each clean which can be easily forgotten.

All you need to do is go to our website at -
Then click the blue button on our website that says “Pay with GOCARDLESS”

Once you have done this simply fill in the form with your details to setup the Direct Debit.  It takes only a few minutes.  If for any reason you have a problem setting it up we can simply setup the direct debit for you over the phone.

Payment is then taking automatically only after each clean.  Payment will take 3-5 days to reach our account after the clean.  You will receive an email notifying of when the payment will be taken.

Direct Debit can be cancelled at any time, and to confirm payment is only taken after each clean.  So if you ever you miss out a clean, payment will not be processed.

25% off your next clean if you setup GoCardless Direct Debit with us before November 2019.

Many Thanks
Josh Quantum Shine Window Cleaning"

What do you all think?  Too long?  I want to shorten it, but i also like to give out all the facts and i think my text explains everything.
I think it's ok. But I do question why you would give a discount to get people to sign up. I get why if you have thousands of customers Gocardless is cheaper than paying someone to reconcile or if you force poor payers onto it, but otherwise I don't get it.


  • Posts: 948
Re: GoCardless Texts
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2018, 11:12:20 am »
Thoughts on this please.  This will be the first text i send out to customers.  I will be sending letters out first, then texts about 1/2 months after.  For those who dont know, i dont do the physical cleaning in my business anymore due to health, so i rarely get to see the customers in person.


"Hi, we have introduced a new flexible Direct Debit payment system which we are finding makes keeping upto date with payments on our end much easier and also benefits our customers too, as they no longer have to look around the house for cash/cheque or go to a cash machine prior to clean, and for those who pay online it saves you the hassle of having to remember to pay us after each clean which can be easily forgotten.

All you need to do is go to our website at -
Then click the blue button on our website that says “Pay with GOCARDLESS”

Once you have done this simply fill in the form with your details to setup the Direct Debit.  It takes only a few minutes.  If for any reason you have a problem setting it up we can simply setup the direct debit for you over the phone.

Payment is then taking automatically only after each clean.  Payment will take 3-5 days to reach our account after the clean.  You will receive an email notifying of when the payment will be taken.

Direct Debit can be cancelled at any time, and to confirm payment is only taken after each clean.  So if you ever you miss out a clean, payment will not be processed.

25% off your next clean if you setup GoCardless Direct Debit with us before November 2019.

Many Thanks
Josh Quantum Shine Window Cleaning"

What do you all think?  Too long?  I want to shorten it, but i also like to give out all the facts and i think my text explains everything.
I think it's ok. But I do question why you would give a discount to get people to sign up. I get why if you have thousands of customers Gocardless is cheaper than paying someone to reconcile or if you force poor payers onto it, but otherwise I don't get it.

Simply because it motivates customers to sign over quicker.  Gives them atleast a little incentive for those who need a little push.

It is worth giving discount in my opinion because we have lots of customers who take between 1-3 weeks to pay for the service when using bank transfer or sending cheques.  Getting customers onto GoCardless means all payments received within 7 days.  This will help with cashflow massively, and just makes the business easier to run and keep track of.