I offer customers the option of cheque, cash or bank transfer but try to get all new customers on bank transfer, even over cash.
But I have a branch of HSBC within 1.5 miles and I pay all my cheques and cash in once a week usually on a Friday. If I have only two or three low value cheques I roll them over to the following week and sometimes use the cash or keep it 'til the next week.
Although I pay for my business account transactions and was paying over £30.00 a month I have halved this by ...
Asking customers to go on line more as cheques are more expensive to pay in than an on line payment.
Paying any cash direct to our joint personal account (for free).
As "George" says how each customer pays that is fine for my records - I just checked 2015/2018 July percentages.
Cash 31%
Chq 12%
C/Txfr 57%
Cash 29%
Chq 24%
C/Txfr 47%
Cheques are dying naturally and last month I paid 20 in over 3 transactions. Cash seems steady.
If cheques really reduce I may stop them altogether or add a £1 charge or just let them wither away naturally.