I think your plan will work. You are correct in the view that your business is not ready for franchising. I have spoken about this before and so many people do Franchise out their business when its clearly not making enough money for even them yet; but they do it anyway because tbh they are lazy.
One business that will be ready to franchise in the next 5 years will be Lee Pryors. Once he opens up a 2nd unit and repeats what he has done with his current unit of £1Million turnover he will have demonstrated a system that truly does work and can bring in millions of pounds a year. He wont be selling his franchises for a piddly 15k a year; id imagine that he would be able to sell a Pryors franchise for £500k. That's a propper franchise with propper funding and will only attract people with propper money
Now back to your plan. Dont over think it. Just do it. As lee said its easy; just put it into action.
I am fast approaching my target of £60k and its because i decided to do it. Lee has achieved what he has by simply doing it. All the time you waste thinking about weather to do it; or talking about doing it; or even spending time on here...its wasted unless you actually put it into action.
Gomo; Lee; Odd Bods; they are all doing it; putting it into action.
Now you go and do it.
Marc have you ever number crunched Lees business plan ? even with his £675.000 turnover he would be lucky to be left with 10% profit,
He makes £67.500k per man.
20% vat £13k
£35k wages and employee costs.
Van, equipment, offices, office staff, lockup and so on would easy add on another £10k per man.
That leaves around £9.5k per man.
Theres a reason why real business people such as Richard Branson, Alan Sugar and so on have never went into nationwide window cleaning.