I dont have a short fuse at all. I get frustrated by haters thats all.
The fact is when you expand especially fast small problems become big problems quickly. The business model has to change to cope with that. I pay my office staff to deal with customers ect day to day. I do not answer the phone or deal with any customers. I just deal with the bigger picture things, the numbers, the goals and planning........ You are probably feeling the stress as you are taking on too much yourself, a clasic mistake in many businesses. Learn to let go, delegate and free yourself up to cover the more important things.
I found over the years there are key times that you become the very thing holding the development back because there is only so much 1 person in any position can do. Learn how it should be done then teach someone else and step aside to the next roll. That is how I have managed to completely remove myself from almost every process in the business. I can go on holiday or take 5 weeks off following surgery (as I just have) and return to not only find everything fine but growth in my absense.
When you take on a large amount of new customers there is always a period of settling down afterwards where you clear out the messers and the new ones get used to your routine with them.
The problems being talked about here I wouldnt even hear about day to day in my business, thats someone elses job to sort out. I would go mad otherwise.
Put people and processes in place, let them do it and you wont need a thicker skin. Well at least until you come on here to share your achievements and be torn to pieces by people who wouldnt have a clue where to start to do what your doing.
Just remember if it was easy to really grow and expand everyone would be doing it. Its bloody hard, expensive and a million miles from what most on here experience day to day.
You can do it. Remind yourself of that every day. I do....