I agree , local.authority work is,very hard,to,get most of it being part of EU tender bid processes.
If you are asking the question on here then you probably need a bid writer to do this for you. This is very expensive.
In addition the rates people have this work screwed down to is stupid. There is a lot of ghosting goes on. They say they will put 10 operatives on a job charge just above cost for ten cleaners, but after a few months cut it to 7 they are now on 30% , the authority thinks it's on agreat deal but they are not getting what they commissioned.
Lastly not always but very often , the deal was done at the golf club with a brown envelope changing hands.
You could offer to do it for free and still wouldn't get a look in. They say it's a matter of Public Record and Open to scrutiny but if one bidder is getting all the other price points and other intel it still can be engineered.
Don't want to dampen your enthusiasm but have wasted a lot of money on bids that got no where.