If Lt. Badcock became Major Badcock it would work even better.
Not a funny name as such but an amusing situation - to me anyway.
I have a retired couple on my round who often pay me by cheque and on the cheque it has it has written
Dr. D. Thomas &
Mrs J. Thomas.
So for the last three years I have been calling him Dr. Thomas as you'd expect.
Last time I called and Mrs Thomas - who is a very well preserved, pleasant but "plummy" 70 year old said actually I'm the real doctor, he's just a Ph. D - and I laughed (pretending to understand but not really) and asked "how does that work - it sounds like a Basil Fawlty sketch!?"
She said he was a University lecturer (so the title isn't used in general conversation like a G.P. or hospital doctor) and she was a Haematologist so would be addressed as "Dr." but not him.
Funny, the useless stuff you learn.