This post is to show how flexibility can be to your and your customers' advantage on commercial work.
Sometimes jobs will evolve into internals being done less than externals. You do a deal where you do the outsides monthly and the insides every two or three months or even on request.
Let me tell you about one job (must you? Yes. Oh, okay then ...
) like the one in the original post but 3 floors.
I clean the outsides every quarter at £75.00 Every six months I do the insides of the easily accessible (from the inside) windows facing outside for an ADDITIONAL £75.00. Then once a year (for the last 4 years and one scheduled this year) I do all the insides and panels and higher stuff for an ADDITIONAL £300.
The insides have floor to ceiling glass panels, high up inside windows and a glass lift shaft.
So on this annual clean I get Dan the Man to help me by my footing ladders (and cuz he is 6ft 3 he can do the internal panels from the ground whereas I stand on a little platform!) rather than faff around using internal cleaning kit.