Prevention is better than cure mate.
In a few years as you get older your body is bound to have wear and tear from repetitive movements like we do day in and day out.
Make life easy for yourself.
I think all those things that make life too easy, weaken our bodies and make us soft. Stuff like lumbar support back rests, weaken the back, or arch support running shoes, weaken the feet.
Human bodies are designed to move.
Yes, human bodies need to be worked.
If outside of work you don't do much else then I would say that reeling in may be of benefit. But the issue I had with reeling in was we have 2 reels in the van side by side, so all my reeling in was done with the same arm. My left, which is the same arm that extends out to hold the pole up.
Last year with all the long days, weekends and first cleans my left arm took a serious beating along with my neck. Its safe to say I now know where my limits are because I bumped into them a few times last year and it was something I don't want to do too often. I knew this year something had to change so I decided to make things as easy as possible at work.
I am in no way lazy or soft, I get plenty of exercise outside of work, strength training and kickboxing.
My point is that you only get some much energy in one day, I would just prefer to save a little for other activities. Even if its just being able to say "ok" when boy says come on dad lets play.