I suffer with depresion, health anxiety and panic attacks. I go through stages of these being very bad that can last for 6 months to a year at a time then I will be ok for a year or 2 then it comes back. Im about 8 months into the latest episode of this right now. Bad one this time round. No idea what causes it, just have to take each day at a time. I never said this before on here but it has been a major reason I wanted to grow my business and remove myself from generating the money or running the office. i didnt want my propblems to damage the business or my income. January was so bad I hardly left the house for a month.
Thats interesting Lee. Thankyou.
Have you had counselling at any time for this? I've had health anxiety issues, quite debilitating in themselves when they were at their worse.
Have these got anything to do with unresolved grief revolving round your fathers premature death?
When I was in my early 20s a friend of the same age dropped dead one sunday afternoon playing football of a heart attack. After that I became obsessed that something was wrong with me ect. I have a highly strung nature anyway so that and other things, like my dad dying in his early 40s of cancer just sent me into a spiral. Things go through my mind on a daily basis that just wouldnt occur to most people. Such as dropping dead alone at home or thinking about passing out in a que in the supper market and so on.
Over the years I tried counselling, hypnothreapy, ani depressants, cbt, all sorts. Nothing helps. I found that a clean diet, excersie, ect helped better than other things.
My father dropped dead one day at the age of 32, when I was 2. He woke up that day, had a brain haemorrhage and was dead before the sun went down. I had a brain haemorrhage, like his, 4 years his junior.
As a result of this, subconsciously, I expect to die any day. I’ve had periods of time, sometimes quite prolonged for months, where the first thought of the day, and it can linger for hours, is “will this be my last day?”
I’ve had an extended period of counselling for this and other issues and at last I believe I’m getting on top of it. My sister also suffers it, this health anxiety.
We’re both alcoholics in recovery as well. Coincidentally we both share the same day in the year when we got sober. This March 24th I’ll be 21 years sober and she’ll be 20.
Mental health, I don’t feel ashamed of it anymore, but I used to.