Last one guys
Quite often you see people referring to the concentration of the SoftWash mix that they use for a particular job or other.
Often the figures quoted are 10% SH or 5% SH. This being 1 part SH to 9 parts water or in the latter example 1 part SH to 19 parts water.
The gear sold by the farming outlets is usually about 14%. So does this mean that you have to dilute the mix down from 14% to 10%??
Bit confused, sorry. Any help would be appreciated.
When your tired it's easy to get the % mixed up or confue=sed by what % they are talking about, so I'd say the common strengths are 2,3 and 4% and using 14% hypo the calculations to make these stengths would be;
2% 3 litre of hypo add 18 litre of water
3% 3 litre of hypo add 11 litre of water
4% 3 litre of hypo add 7.5 litre of water
If useing 25l containers with some ullage for easy mixing
2% 3 litre of hypo add 18 litre of water
3% 4.5 litre of hypo add 16.5 litre of water
4% 6 litre of hypo add 15 litre of water
The more you make it up the more the quantities stick in your head but the 21 litre mix is easy to remember, it's going up by 1.5l of hypo each time to make the 21l