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Only the other day i got a spring v11 after using varistreams for the last 13+ years. Not much difference really although i like the spring controller showing actual battery voltage instead of just the 3 bars on the varistream. Also i think the v11 more controllable over setting the flow and DE pressure (you can fine tune it more, however i've only been using it for 2 days.)The only thing i dont like is you seem to have to hold the off/enter button for about 3 seconds before it will turn off unlike the varistream which is instant, it does turn on quicker then turning off though.
I don't believe the more expensive ones will save your battery or pressure switch any more than these do. If you set these to half power, it will draw half the amps. If the pump is constantly on, and not cycling on/off every 2 seconds, the switch won't burn out. I could be wrong.