Moving to a house on a bore hole next week. No chlorine etc in the water. Anyone have any experience of filter changes off mains?
You will need to retain the sediment filters but the carbon filter won't be necessary provided there is no chlorine in the water. (Some borehole water setups could have an additional feature to add chlorine to the water in tablet form.) The carbon block's main function is the removal of chlorine in the water.
The problem with using a bore hole is water pressure so you may have to invest in a booster pump.
Those who have water makers on the sea going yachts only have a number of sediment and debris prefilters. They do have a carbon filter but that's incase they use shore water to process water and flush the membranes. They also need the carbon block if they use the pure water from the tank to flush their r/o at sea and have added chlorine to the tank to ensure the water is bacteria free.