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Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2017, 10:14:38 am »
Over the years i’ve Kept an eye on the chimney sweeping business, there has been a massive growth in the popularity of wood burning stove ... they are getting very trendy :)

But I haven’t seen a big increase in the amount of chimney sweeps, so  the one already going could be  raking it in.
Mike Halliday.

Missing Link

  • Posts: 44138
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2017, 10:18:33 am »
Over the years i’ve Kept an eye on the chimney sweeping business, there has been a massive growth in the popularity of wood burning stove ... they are getting very trendy :)

But I haven’t seen a big increase in the amount of chimney sweeps, so  the one already going could be  raking it in.

Most folk in my street have a fire of some description; the houses are all of that age.

We have two, one in the dining room and one in the living room; because we're very sophisticated.

But most folk like me rarely use them.

We had our chimney cleaned about 10 years ago and because we rarely light the fires, we haven't had it done since.

And the price of hardwood isn't cheap either.
Pronouns She/Her/Madam/Ma'am

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2017, 10:38:42 am »
Tosh if you had a fire lit and it burnt your house down would it invalidate your home insurance? I think it would prove negligence on your part.

 my son rents a house as part of his tenancy agreement he has to have the chimney swept yearly and on vacating the property.
Mike Halliday.


  • Posts: 4250
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2017, 10:53:16 am »
Only a need to do it yearly if he lights the fire regularly.
Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.


  • Posts: 8154
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2017, 11:09:15 am »
Prostitutes earn good money.

After seeing photos of you, Slacky, you could earn a small fortune.

It would all be in 10p coins though.

I understand your point and the truth of the matter is it’s a valid one. However, past experience had always told me I’d be giving refunds, regularly, so financially, it seems a non-starter.


  • Posts: 1628
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2017, 11:13:18 am »
It's a lot area dependant.

No way could I earn 400 a day cleaning carpets round here. Justwont happen. Tried it for over a year.

I also seriously looked into locksmithing last year was considering doing some courses and starting up as talk of 100 quid an hour I heard. However when looking into it in my area, the market was saturated and speaking to various training centres, locksmiths and suppliers the average call out fee was more like 40 an hour. Which when you factor in costs and the fact you are on call and not flat out all day it wasn't any better than cleaning windows.

You see plumbers on 80k -100k a year but it's down south....

Same with pressure washing, gutters and any other trade like plastering, decorating etc I'm sure good money can be had but only in the right areas. Also looked at fencing and landscaping, same deal really

the reason being adam is a lot of trades "big up" their earnings.the ones earning top dollar are working extremely hard and have been in their line of business for many years.most will earn nowhere near the figures quoted.

unfortunately theres no easy way to make a good honest takes years of hard work,discipline and sacrifice.

Just to comment of the bold section, I know a lot of carpet cleaners who big down their earnings or just don’t comment and I earned top dollar without working extremely hard.  But I do agree massively with your final sentence... hard work, discipline and (a little bit of ) sacrifice  do often lead to good earnings

So, if you are earning top dollar without working hard why are you looking at other avenues?
Comfortably Numb!


  • Posts: 3931
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2017, 11:20:37 am »
It's a lot area dependant.

No way could I earn 400 a day cleaning carpets round here. Justwont happen. Tried it for over a year.

I also seriously looked into locksmithing last year was considering doing some courses and starting up as talk of 100 quid an hour I heard. However when looking into it in my area, the market was saturated and speaking to various training centres, locksmiths and suppliers the average call out fee was more like 40 an hour. Which when you factor in costs and the fact you are on call and not flat out all day it wasn't any better than cleaning windows.

You see plumbers on 80k -100k a year but it's down south....

Same with pressure washing, gutters and any other trade like plastering, decorating etc I'm sure good money can be had but only in the right areas. Also looked at fencing and landscaping, same deal really

the reason being adam is a lot of trades "big up" their earnings.the ones earning top dollar are working extremely hard and have been in their line of business for many years.most will earn nowhere near the figures quoted.

unfortunately theres no easy way to make a good honest takes years of hard work,discipline and sacrifice.

Just to comment of the bold section, I know a lot of carpet cleaners who big down their earnings or just don’t comment and I earned top dollar without working extremely hard.  But I do agree massively with your final sentence... hard work, discipline and (a little bit of ) sacrifice  do often lead to good earnings

So, if you are earning top dollar without working hard why are you looking at other avenues?

Because enough is never enough

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2017, 01:39:59 pm »
i’m a businessman just because I have a business does not stop the  Entrepreneurial  spirit burning inside me, I enjoy investigating  different ideas.
Mike Halliday.

Marc Stock

Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2017, 02:00:45 pm »
Roofing is very good money.

My brother in law can sometimes get a  roofing job that would make him 2-3 grand in a morning. Thats for flat roofing felting. Very good money.

Tile replacement 300 quid for a few tiles be on and off done and dusted in 130 mins.

Whole Roof replacement cab bring in 20 grand and take a month.

Hard work though.

Carpet and upholstry cleaning is good money. Specially the van mounted stuff.

Tbh Window cleaning is still good. I regulary turnover in excess of £350 per day. I work 4 days a week. Its no pryor money but its ok for unskilled work.

I am at the end of my window cleaning career though and i am looking to get another van next year and employ as i am fed up with it. If i cant make it work by employing ill sell up and do something else when i hit 40.

Missing Link

  • Posts: 44138
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2017, 02:20:02 pm »
Tosh if you had a fire lit and it burnt your house down would it invalidate your home insurance? I think it would prove negligence on your part.

 my son rents a house as part of his tenancy agreement he has to have the chimney swept yearly and on vacating the property.

I didn't know that.  Cheers. 
Pronouns She/Her/Madam/Ma'am

paul alan

  • Posts: 1683
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2017, 02:42:00 pm »
I like the security lighting idea cos I do like sparking.

A lot of the old folk around here are security conscious, I have also thought about alarm installation and intercom with camera device installation.

I know some thing about food and nutrients and have pondered learning more and going the dietitian route as I foresee the doctors of the future prescribing diets instead of drugs, can earn some good money without doing anything physical.

I would rather be a pimp than a prozy though any day.


  • Posts: 6159
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2017, 03:04:46 pm »
Roofing is very good money.

My brother in law can sometimes get a  roofing job that would make him 2-3 grand in a morning. Thats for flat roofing felting. Very good money.

Tile replacement 300 quid for a few tiles be on and off done and dusted in 130 mins.

Whole Roof replacement cab bring in 20 grand and take a month.

Hard work though.

Carpet and upholstry cleaning is good money. Specially the van mounted stuff.

Tbh Window cleaning is still good. I regulary turnover in excess of £350 per day. I work 4 days a week. Its no pryor money but its ok for unskilled work.

I am at the end of my window cleaning career though and i am looking to get another van next year and employ as i am fed up with it. If i cant make it work by employing ill sell up and do something else when i hit 40.

Aye roofing is good money. Know quite a few lads who have worked as roofers.

Last time I checked a good roofer round here can earn 150 to 200 a day. Which when you consider that is just as an employee in the north of England that's very good money. So just think what the boss will be earning doing roofs in more affluent areas of the country.

Likewise like you I am looking to employ and build more of a business than stay on the glass forever.

I'm only 3 years into this game but I know I don't want to be doing it forever.

I've just turned 36 but by the age of 40 I want to have a couple of employees and dipping my toes into something completely different.

Window cleaning is good, it's a good way to start out in the world of business but it's not the holy grail. There has to be better ways to make money out there


  • Posts: 13421
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2017, 04:14:42 pm »
After being self emoloyed for so long, i would hate to go back into employment thats for sure. Run round like a headless chicken following orders for less than a tenner a hour  ???
Knowing that you can make that in ten minutes.

Also being a sparky or plumber seems good because they do a job and get paid at the end of it. Thats why I like pressure washing. Customers have a different mind set because its a bigger expense, clean someone's drive for say £300 and job done, money in you hand and go to the next one.
Window cleaning depending how people collect, that tyoe of money comes in dribs n dabs

The best reason to do window cleaning is that your income is repeated every cycle be it 4 or 8 weekly all those little hits Have more value overall than 1 off hits where you constantly chase NEW  work and customers and spend to keep advertising ( £15 window clean x 12 times a year is £180 and equals approx 4 hrs work and you possible have this for years ) a driveway at £300 may only take you 3 hours but that usually means that’s the only job that day and possibly won’t repeat for 18 to 24 months and if you included resanding it’s a second visit plus cost of sand ( 20 to 30 quid )

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

paul alan

  • Posts: 1683
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2017, 04:54:16 pm »
After being self emoloyed for so long, i would hate to go back into employment thats for sure. Run round like a headless chicken following orders for less than a tenner a hour  ???
Knowing that you can make that in ten minutes.

Also being a sparky or plumber seems good because they do a job and get paid at the end of it. Thats why I like pressure washing. Customers have a different mind set because its a bigger expense, clean someone's drive for say £300 and job done, money in you hand and go to the next one.
Window cleaning depending how people collect, that tyoe of money comes in dribs n dabs

The best reason to do window cleaning is that your income is repeated every cycle be it 4 or 8 weekly all those little hits Have more value overall than 1 off hits where you constantly chase NEW  work and customers and spend to keep advertising ( £15 window clean x 12 times a year is £180 and equals approx 4 hrs work and you possible have this for years ) a driveway at £300 may only take you 3 hours but that usually means that’s the only job that day and possibly won’t repeat for 18 to 24 months and if you included resanding it’s a second visit plus cost of sand ( 20 to 30 quid )


by far the best thing, repeat business!


  • Posts: 23862
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2017, 06:19:05 pm »
Roofing is very good money.

My brother in law can sometimes get a  roofing job that would make him 2-3 grand in a morning. Thats for flat roofing felting. Very good money.

Tile replacement 300 quid for a few tiles be on and off done and dusted in 130 mins.

Whole Roof replacement cab bring in 20 grand and take a month.

Hard work though.

Carpet and upholstry cleaning is good money. Specially the van mounted stuff.

Tbh Window cleaning is still good. I regulary turnover in excess of £350 per day. I work 4 days a week. Its no pryor money but its ok for unskilled work.

I am at the end of my window cleaning career though and i am looking to get another van next year and employ as i am fed up with it. If i cant make it work by employing ill sell up and do something else when i hit 40.

all sounds so easy doesnt it?the reality is very different.anybody making 3k in a morning is ripping people off without a doubt.

if your regularly turning over £350 a day why are you not happy with that marc?

is it not you thats always moaning your skint?(apologies if ive got the wrong guy!) ;D
price higher/work harder!

Marc Stock

Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #35 on: December 12, 2017, 06:57:03 pm »
Roofing is very good money.

My brother in law can sometimes get a  roofing job that would make him 2-3 grand in a morning. Thats for flat roofing felting. Very good money.

Tile replacement 300 quid for a few tiles be on and off done and dusted in 130 mins.

Whole Roof replacement cab bring in 20 grand and take a month.

Hard work though.

Carpet and upholstry cleaning is good money. Specially the van mounted stuff.

Tbh Window cleaning is still good. I regulary turnover in excess of £350 per day. I work 4 days a week. Its no pryor money but its ok for unskilled work.

I am at the end of my window cleaning career though and i am looking to get another van next year and employ as i am fed up with it. If i cant make it work by employing ill sell up and do something else when i hit 40.

all sounds so easy doesnt it?the reality is very different.anybody making 3k in a morning is ripping people off without a doubt.

if your regularly turning over £350 a day why are you not happy with that marc?

is it not you thats always moaning your skint?(apologies if ive got the wrong guy!) ;D

Nope not me mate. 

I have suffered with depression though.

But i am much better now.

I have pointed out how expensive it is to live down here in surrey in the past perhaps your referring to that.

 But not skint, but im certainly not wealthy either..i just pay myself what i need to live on from the business and thats it for now, both my wife and i are on a monthly salary on payroll.

 Profits are left in the business and if i need some extra cash a draw a directors loan and write it the total down as a dividend at the end of the year.

Been in this game now 15 years. 15 years of any job is enough. So like i said my plans to employ are really the next stage..


  • Posts: 23862
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #36 on: December 12, 2017, 07:02:32 pm »
Roofing is very good money.

My brother in law can sometimes get a  roofing job that would make him 2-3 grand in a morning. Thats for flat roofing felting. Very good money.

Tile replacement 300 quid for a few tiles be on and off done and dusted in 130 mins.

Whole Roof replacement cab bring in 20 grand and take a month.

Hard work though.

Carpet and upholstry cleaning is good money. Specially the van mounted stuff.

Tbh Window cleaning is still good. I regulary turnover in excess of £350 per day. I work 4 days a week. Its no pryor money but its ok for unskilled work.

I am at the end of my window cleaning career though and i am looking to get another van next year and employ as i am fed up with it. If i cant make it work by employing ill sell up and do something else when i hit 40.

all sounds so easy doesnt it?the reality is very different.anybody making 3k in a morning is ripping people off without a doubt.

if your regularly turning over £350 a day why are you not happy with that marc?

is it not you thats always moaning your skint?(apologies if ive got the wrong guy!) ;D

Nope not me mate. 

I have suffered with depression though.

But i am much better now.

I have pointed out how expensive it is to live down here in surrey in the past perhaps your referring to that.

 But not skint, but im certainly not wealthy either..i just pay myself what i need to live on from the business and thats it for now, both my wife and i are on a monthly salary on payroll.

 Profits are left in the business and if i need some extra cash a draw a directors loan and write it the total down as a dividend at the end of the year.

my brother lives in surrey and bought a house a few years ago.£380,000 for an end terraced house!(not far from epsom race course).you could get the same round here for £100,000-£120,000!
price higher/work harder!


Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #37 on: December 12, 2017, 07:08:52 pm »

I would open a rollerdisco.

Marc Stock

Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #38 on: December 12, 2017, 07:29:20 pm »
Roofing is very good money.

My brother in law can sometimes get a  roofing job that would make him 2-3 grand in a morning. Thats for flat roofing felting. Very good money.

Tile replacement 300 quid for a few tiles be on and off done and dusted in 130 mins.

Whole Roof replacement cab bring in 20 grand and take a month.

Hard work though.

Carpet and upholstry cleaning is good money. Specially the van mounted stuff.

Tbh Window cleaning is still good. I regulary turnover in excess of £350 per day. I work 4 days a week. Its no pryor money but its ok for unskilled work.

I am at the end of my window cleaning career though and i am looking to get another van next year and employ as i am fed up with it. If i cant make it work by employing ill sell up and do something else when i hit 40.

all sounds so easy doesnt it?the reality is very different.anybody making 3k in a morning is ripping people off without a doubt.

if your regularly turning over £350 a day why are you not happy with that marc?

is it not you thats always moaning your skint?(apologies if ive got the wrong guy!) ;D

Nope not me mate. 

I have suffered with depression though.

But i am much better now.

I have pointed out how expensive it is to live down here in surrey in the past perhaps your referring to that.

 But not skint, but im certainly not wealthy either..i just pay myself what i need to live on from the business and thats it for now, both my wife and i are on a monthly salary on payroll.

 Profits are left in the business and if i need some extra cash a draw a directors loan and write it the total down as a dividend at the end of the year.

my brother lives in surrey and bought a house a few years ago.£380,000 for an end terraced house!(not far from epsom race course).you could get the same round here for £100,000-£120,000!

Honestly its a joke here.

I rent. I actually dont think i will ever own a home here. In fact i dont think i want to. Its stupid money


  • Posts: 5602
Re: othan than a window cleaner....
« Reply #39 on: December 12, 2017, 07:39:32 pm »
Over the years i’ve Kept an eye on the chimney sweeping business, there has been a massive growth in the popularity of wood burning stove ... they are getting very trendy :)

But I haven’t seen a big increase in the amount of chimney sweeps, so  the one already going could be  raking it in.

At one of my customers today a chimney sweep was putting up the outside xmas lights, turns out he was their son, says he has been mad busy all year, didnt mention income thou.