Could be on to something with this.
Looks high flow rate?
Looks like you have a slight leak from one of the connectors?
Also do you use a univalve and does it effect it as the extra connectors makes the stock look extra busy and will that effect windows that are installed closed to soffits.
Not knocking the idea just a few questions, seems you went to the effort of drilling one hole for your ideal jet spacing why not drill two ideal holes (if not happy with gardiner jet holes) and have four jets as looking at your water pressure I think four jets would be sufficient.
Hi Den,
The connector does have a slight leak there because I yesterday went to work with warm water for the second time ever so the hose went warm and became loose, it just needs a barb fitting.
The extra 8mm-6mm reducer will go inside the pole in future as there is a 8mm coupling supplied with all gardiner brushes as standard just inside the pole, I will just swap this for the reducer and save some space.
I prefer the flow with 3 jets as opposed to 4 jets, it seems just right for me, I like the flow on 3/4 with 2 jets, but with 3 jets I can put the flow on full and have the same effect as in nice controllable jets of water. But with 3 jets on full flow I am getting more water on the glass so in effect am speeding up the rinse a little.