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colin bird

  • Posts: 1177
Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« on: December 07, 2017, 07:20:07 am »
I purchased a slx 22 in Aug this year and a friend purchased one in October this year,we have both been using our previous slx 22 as our every day pole for the last few years.

What we are both finding with new poles, sections spinning and slipping several times a day,we also have to tighten clamp screws several times a day to stop spinning and slipping.
New poles are already showing signs of wear,and look the same as my previous two year old pole.
( all poles cleaned and maintained )

My question is as the above is happening to two new poles ,are we the only ones finding this ?
Has the specification and quality of components and parts changed in the last couple of years.
We are both dissapointed with our new poles,considering how pleased we were with our previous poles.


  • Posts: 3931
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2017, 07:27:45 am »
I bought my slx earlier this year , the clamp at the brush end is constantly coming loose.
The gooseneck is jammed in the pole , and one clamp on the 1st section has already broke whilst working, luckily I had my clx in the van so I took a clamp off there and then ordered a new one.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2017, 07:51:23 am »
i bought a new one in april(SLX 25)and its fine.i do have to nip up the clamps from time to time(but not every day)and the top inch is worn on section 1(which is normal for 8 months daily use).
price higher/work harder!

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8850
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2017, 07:55:08 am »
New poles ?, I have a SLX30 with mark one smarts clamps which thankfully I only need to use a few times a month,
your wont beat the SLX pole for the price but Gardiners have never been able to get the clamps right.

colin bird

  • Posts: 1177
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2017, 07:57:24 am »
New poles ?, I have a SLX30 with mark one smarts clamps which thankfully I only need to use a few times a month,
your wont beat the SLX pole for the price but Gardiners have never been able to get the clamps right.

My previous slx just seemed better all round

colin bird

  • Posts: 1177
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2017, 07:58:29 am »
i bought a new one in april(SLX 25)and its fine.i do have to nip up the clamps from time to time(but not every day)and the top inch is worn on section 1(which is normal for 8 months daily use).

My top section also worn,third section keeps dropping even just after screws have been tightened,all other screws constantly need tightening


  • Posts: 6159
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2017, 08:16:46 am »
Cant fault my slx, yes it's getting worn and a couple of clamps had to be glued to stop spinning. Also snapped a bit of one of the sections. But I've had it nearly 3 years of daily abuse.

Was going to order a new one soon, will be Intresting to see if it's any different.

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1519
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2017, 08:48:21 am »
New poles ?, I have a SLX30 with mark one smarts clamps which thankfully I only need to use a few times a month,
your wont beat the SLX pole for the price but Gardiners have never been able to get the clamps right.
Really? I think you'll find they're constantly improving them. I still think they're the best out there.


  • Posts: 8154
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2017, 08:50:20 am »
I have no idea why people moan about having to adjust clamps.

They're clamps, you adjust clamps. Thats why they're there.

You'd be moaning alright if Gardiners fitted them with a nylon nut and bolt.

P @ F

  • Posts: 6312
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2017, 09:02:09 am »
Its also to do with the ambient temps , the poles are going to shrink/expand  depending on this , i have an Slx and need to change the settings of the clamps when i run either hot or cold water .
I'm so lazy I'm getting tired of it !


  • Posts: 1628
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2017, 09:03:50 am »
Gardiner clamps are the best in the industry IMO.  The "smart" feature is genius and extends the life of the pole. Obviously, every so often they require adjustment. My current every-day SLX is about 6 years old and it was upgraded with smart clamps about when they came to retail.
Comfortably Numb!

Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3486
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2017, 09:04:08 am »
I bought an slx 25 for my dad back in August who works with me 2 days a week, and it’s been fine.

Occasional adjustment of the clamps but Mayb every week or so. Takes seconds.
Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher

Alex Gardiner

  • Posts: 7740
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2017, 09:04:48 am »
I purchased a slx 22 in Aug this year and a friend purchased one in October this year,we have both been using our previous slx 22 as our every day pole for the last few years.

What we are both finding with new poles, sections spinning and slipping several times a day,we also have to tighten clamp screws several times a day to stop spinning and slipping.
New poles are already showing signs of wear,and look the same as my previous two year old pole.
( all poles cleaned and maintained )

My question is as the above is happening to two new poles ,are we the only ones finding this ?
Has the specification and quality of components and parts changed in the last couple of years.
We are both dissapointed with our new poles,considering how pleased we were with our previous poles.

Hi Colin

Sorry to hear of your disappointment.

I can first of all reassure you that the construction methods, quality and specification of the carbon fibre tube sections and the clamps has not changed on the SLX poles at all in the last two years. There have been small improvements made to the barrel nut and bolt design and manufacture, but this would not have affected the poles itself.

What may be the issue?

Reading your description it almost sounds as if the  adjustment on the clamps may not be holding tight enough and the locking nut is allowing the clamp to undo during use. If this is the case then replacing the locking nuts should be a quick and easy solution.

Addressing the wear issues - As we know that the materials and construction have not changed we would then look at environmental issues affecting the pole. There is really only one thing that affects the wear on these sections and that is abrasion - this abrasion comes from the dirt, grit or sand that are encountered in a day's work and gets trapped between the section and the clamping surfaces.

 What may have changed?

Are you now working in an area with higher levels of sand and grit, perhaps a new round along a sea front? - if regularly used in such areas then abrasive wear will accelerate and affect the pole if not washed out and serviced frequently.  Sand is the No.1 abrasive wear factor on telescopic poles - if working in a sandy environment (freshly laid paver drive, sea front, etc.) it is vital to fully flush the pole out after use.

Have you reduced the amount of cleaning and servicing that you carry out on the poles? If so this could negatively affect the wear rate.

If you think that there is a specific product problem that has not been caused by an environment or maintenance change then please give our Customer Services Team a call on 01726 66400 or and they can start the process of looking into this. If emailing, it is a good idea to provide as much information as possible including photos etc.

P @ F

  • Posts: 6312
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2017, 09:05:31 am »
What Alex needs to do to stop the moaners is design a pole that goes out every morning on its own and then comes home having earnt £400 with no wear and tear on it at all  ;D ;D ;D
I'm so lazy I'm getting tired of it !

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8850
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2017, 09:06:43 am »
New poles ?, I have a SLX30 with mark one smarts clamps which thankfully I only need to use a few times a month,
your wont beat the SLX pole for the price but Gardiners have never been able to get the clamps right.
Really? I think you'll find they're constantly improving them. I still think they're the best out there.

How many have you used ? put it this way I have old Xtel fiberglass poles from back in the days, crappy poles but the clamps
gave no bother what so ever, on one of them the fiberglass is worn so thin the pole has cracked and the clamp still grips it tight
over the cracked section.
The mark one smart clamp was rubbish the mark two  is slightly better but they certainly don't do what they're are intended to do which is outlast the pole, spinning and loosening of the screws in a common problem with both.
I still believe if Gardiners had any decent competition the mark one smart clamp would have lost them a horrendous amount of

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8850
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2017, 09:09:51 am »
What Alex needs to do to stop the moaners is design a pole that goes out every morning on its own and then comes home having earnt £400 with no wear and tear on it at all  ;D ;D ;D

You wont get a discount for backside kissing, lol.

P @ F

  • Posts: 6312
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2017, 09:18:17 am »
What Alex needs to do to stop the moaners is design a pole that goes out every morning on its own and then comes home having earnt £400 with no wear and tear on it at all  ;D ;D ;D

You wont get a discount for backside kissing, lol.

Hey , I have been trying for years , the word discount does not appear on the website , I have found the word SALE but am still looking for the DISCOUNT page  ;D ;D ;D
I'm so lazy I'm getting tired of it !


  • Posts: 2441
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2017, 09:30:16 am »
I've got an old Bayersan glass fibre pole sitting if anyone wants to have a wee go for a couple of houses, it'll certainly remind you how good the Gardiner poles and clamps are!
The pole was that bad I had to keep it.

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1519
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2017, 09:58:50 am »
New poles ?, I have a SLX30 with mark one smarts clamps which thankfully I only need to use a few times a month,
your wont beat the SLX pole for the price but Gardiners have never been able to get the clamps right.
Really? I think you'll find they're constantly improving them. I still think they're the best out there.

How many have you used ? put it this way I have old Xtel fiberglass poles from back in the days, crappy poles but the clamps
gave no bother what so ever, on one of them the fiberglass is worn so thin the pole has cracked and the clamp still grips it tight
over the cracked section.
The mark one smart clamp was rubbish the mark two  is slightly better but they certainly don't do what they're are intended to do which is outlast the pole, spinning and loosening of the screws in a common problem with both.
I still believe if Gardiners had any decent competition the mark one smart clamp would have lost them a horrendous amount of
I've used plenty. I've had 2 old xtel fibreglass poles when I first started wfp. Their clamps are fine until the pole wears.

Gardiners have been a revelation. I've had a Super Max, CLX & three SLX. Been very happy with all. I've upgraded the clamps on all the older poles that I bought before the latest clamp version.

Just my opinion. Everybody is free to buy from who they like. Personally I plan on continuing to use Gardiner's.

Walter Mitty

  • Posts: 1314
Re: Fao Alex gardiners ( and everyone else ) re slx
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2017, 11:23:11 am »
This may not be much use but over the years, I have got into the habit of using external pole hose. This greatly reduces the need to de-grit the pole and, presumably, increases pole life. The down side is that there are more tangles, but you adapt to keep this to a minimum.
I haven't used internal pole hose for a few years now.