I wouldn't say better, just simpler and probably with fewer issues in use as a result.
The newer ones have the calibration function which is designed to prolong the life of the pump and pressure switch. I beleive it's the calibration part of the controller which requires the 4 sec test cycle.
However, when lots of us have run these pumps for years either with no controller or a plain PWM controller and have pumps that are still going strong after years of use and on accasion have only had to replace the odd micro switch, there are mixed feelings on whether they are worth it or not.
For me, in a van I probably would use one. However, on a trolley where many of us only use short lengths of hose or only PU pole hose, that 4 sec cycle in the electronics is very noticeable and is a right pain. I still had my original plain PWM controller that came on my first PF trolley 10 years ago, so I put that on my new trolley. It's much better. For me anyhow.