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tony day

  • Posts: 183
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #40 on: November 06, 2017, 11:38:38 pm »

Ive done a test on my garage window, I literally covered my brush with debris from the floor. I scrubbed my window as hard as I could and didnt make a mark. Why because we are constantly using running water. It is very hard to actually scratch glass.
My advice:
I would say I will happily pay for the damaged window if you can prove that i did it, otherwise
Drop them and replace them with another customer.

Is it really worth getting stressed out about. Its a pane of glass....!!!!

I tried to scratch glass on an old  UPVC window I had spare.Chucked sand, grit, several things, had the water running through the brush and pushed extra hard on the pole, tried my hardest to scratch the glass.  Examined the window and even though I tried my hardest to scratch the glasss on purpose, I couldn't scratch the glass.
Anyone ever accuse me of scratching their window I just tell them to prove it as they'd have a tough job proving it  :)
Did you let the sand ect dry first? Monsanto wouldn't employ you Trigger!

Pete Thompson

  • Posts: 951
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2017, 11:57:40 pm »
I can totally believe the idiots at the Federation of window cleaners saying something like that.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #42 on: November 07, 2017, 07:57:54 am »
if you ve been scrubbing cement on this particular window (with hot or cold water)there IS a good chance you could scratch the glass IMO.

if your adamant that you didnt do it then id simply tell him its not my fault,drop him and ignore all future text/phone calls. ;D
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 20535
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #43 on: November 07, 2017, 08:18:44 am »
Nathan, I'm going to be blunt, don't be offended.


Dear Mr. X.

I do not believe I have scratched your patio windows. I will not use my insurance to facilitate you making a claim as I believe this would amount to fraudulent behaviour.

I believe that the marks are more likely to have come from builders residue such as cement splatters or similar or from any initial cleaning carried out by others on you or your builders instructions upon completion of the building work.

If such is the case then these marks may not have become apparent to you until the sun was low in the sky highlighting any irregularities and that you blame me as you have not thought through the several possibilities as to how they were caused.

Your paraphrasing your conversation with the Federation of Window Cleaners carries no weight as I am meticulous about the cleanliness of my brushes and the problem being "endemic" is ludicrous when you consider the hundreds of windows I clean every week with no complaint other than yours.

I do not believe you are being malicious in your claim but as alluded to I believe you are wrong to accuse me of damaging your windows and any escalation of this matter by you will be defended vigorously and any costs that I incur from such defence will be presented to you for your reimbursement.

Yours sincerely,

Nathan "big lunch" Kaye
Window Cleaner to the Gentry

Is your best shot at an amicable resolution.


So im thinking of this response.

As I mentioned to you on 10 October when you brought this accusation to my attention, that I strongly belief that I am falsely accused of such marks on the glass.

Following our conversation I forwarded on a photo of my brush, the quality and cleanliness of which I presented to on the same day;

As can be clearly seen from the image that the brush is more than fit for its purpose and also in impeccable order. The brushbin question is a streamline 14inch rectangular brush purposely constructed for the use of cleaning glass windows.

I also brought to your attention how I use 6x 1mm jets which provides a constant cascade of water running through the bristles of the brush and therefore preventing any opportunity of blockages within the bristles.
A video of said brush and the cascade of water can clearly be seen from my public videos from my youtube channel NK services which produced to help other window cleaners.;

(Highlighting these as evidence and not staged, due to the date stamp and number of views)

In addition I also explained how I use hot water, which can be evidenced from my you tube channel.
Therefore concluding that the heat from the water would make the bristles soft and the cascade of constant water running through the bristles would also ensure that the brushes ability to cause damage to glass panes virtually impossible.

Which clearly shows the opposite of your claim. Especially in reference to the problem being "endemic" in light that only one pane of glass is showing signs of scratches out of the many panes of glass at your property nor the many which I clean
during the course of a day.

The reason or reasons for the scratches in question should be directed elsewhere and not at myself nor my equipment which is impeccable for its manufactured purpose. As these scratches have only been brought to your attention by the low sitting sun at this time of year.

Is crap.

Use Gold's. Just copy and paste the lot.
A fully paid up  memeber of the blue pill community

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8850
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #44 on: November 07, 2017, 08:20:04 am »
I can totally believe the idiots at the Federation of window cleaners saying something like that.

Your not getting the full story, here we have a guy who because has hot water thought it would be ok to scrub concrete of
glass, any wonder the customer and the Federation think he did it.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #45 on: November 07, 2017, 08:30:49 am »
I can totally believe the idiots at the Federation of window cleaners saying something like that.

Your not getting the full story, here we have a guy who because has hot water thought it would be ok to scrub concrete of
glass, any wonder the customer and the Federation think he did it.

Have you ever used hot water to clean concrete splatter off glass???
Im guessing with such an answer you clearly have not

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8850
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #46 on: November 07, 2017, 08:31:44 am »
I can totally believe the idiots at the Federation of window cleaners saying something like that.

Your not getting the full story, here we have a guy who because has hot water thought it would be ok to scrub concrete of
glass, any wonder the customer and the Federation think he did it.

Have you ever used hot water to clean concrete splatter off glass???
Im guessing with such an answer you clearly have not

I rest my case.


  • Posts: 3873
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #47 on: November 07, 2017, 08:36:03 am »
I can totally believe the idiots at the Federation of window cleaners saying something like that.

Your not getting the full story, here we have a guy who because has hot water thought it would be ok to scrub concrete of
glass, any wonder the customer and the Federation think he did it.

Have you ever used hot water to clean concrete splatter off glass???
Im guessing with such an answer you clearly have not

I rest my case.
;D you couldn't make it up.


  • Posts: 6159
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #48 on: November 07, 2017, 08:53:17 am »
Just forward Granville’s post. Stop poncing about, you always complicate your posts with too much flannel.

 ;D ;D could over egg an omelette could nathan

Agree Nathan, what you are saying is totally correct and you might want to keep this evidence should it go to court, at this stage though keep it simple I doubt it will go any further.

Ever heard the phrase "thou doth protest too much" ?


  • Posts: 5366
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #49 on: November 07, 2017, 09:13:00 am »
I can totally believe the idiots at the Federation of window cleaners saying something like that.

Your not getting the full story, here we have a guy who because has hot water thought it would be ok to scrub concrete of
glass, any wonder the customer and the Federation think he did it.

Have you ever used hot water to clean concrete splatter off glass???
Im guessing with such an answer you clearly have not

I rest my case.
;D you couldn't make it up.

Guys you know not what you say!
Hot water is great at removing concrete splatter and if you read my post in regards to this I used my finger nail to remove it!  Hence if it did scratch the glass which it didnt ( as I checked) the scratches would be minute


  • Posts: 5366
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #50 on: November 07, 2017, 09:30:56 am »
Ok im gonna use granvilles response so keep posted n see what happens.

(My wife also said to save the ammunition till later........ild prefer to blow any arguement out the waters first without playing a tactical game. But will see what happens)

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #51 on: November 07, 2017, 10:44:59 am »
Ok im gonna use granvilles response so keep posted n see what happens.

(My wife also said to save the ammunition till later........ild prefer to blow any arguement out the waters first without playing a tactical game. But will see what happens)
Good idea.
You don't want to get to the Old Bailey and to have not have saved something up your sleeve.
And you don't think you could have had a bit of burnt roast potato down your thumb nail when you used it to remove the concrete, do you?
If that's a possibility, cut your nails and hide the roasties behind the mash- with the veg- next time you take a photo of your carvery lunch. 
Eliminate all evidence of the indemic burnt roast potato down thumb nail problem that can scratch glass.


  • Posts: 13421
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #52 on: November 07, 2017, 11:51:59 am »
Firstly the fed will say there is a possibility if only to cover their own backsides secondly they are known to be trad bias so ego is a mystery to them.

Personally any concrete slashes warrant a scratch waiver then there is no comeback

I’m not saying you did it but for the customer is a reasonable assumption as you worked on the glass last.

These are always difficult situations as both parties feel wronged if you have a long history with the customer then you should view it differently to a new one who’s had a single clean
But in short do what slacky says and send golds reply
Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


  • Posts: 8155
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #53 on: November 07, 2017, 01:29:46 pm »
I got a phone call from a customer earlier.

I’ve just eaten a Piri-Piri wrap, it wasn’t ideal. The beef and onion roll I had before that, was.


  • Posts: 8155
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #54 on: November 07, 2017, 01:31:06 pm »
Looks like rain.


  • Posts: 25119
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #55 on: November 07, 2017, 04:00:08 pm »
Nathan you will flipping hang yourself if you use too many words. Do what your wife says. Keep further ammo for later.

I predict that what will happen is that matey boy will go away or at worst threaten to take legal advice and then go away when he realises he has a slim chance of getting anywhere.
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 5366
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #56 on: November 07, 2017, 04:02:08 pm »
Ok im gonna use granvilles response so keep posted n see what happens.

(My wife also said to save the ammunition till later........ild prefer to blow any arguement out the waters first without playing a tactical game. But will see what happens)

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #57 on: November 07, 2017, 06:32:00 pm »
Nathan, how do you think the scratches happened?
Apologies if you've already said but there were concrete splashes and now there are not.
Are the scratches in the same place?  If so, how do you think they got there?
Assuming you didn't make them, of course.
I understand that you might not know and you don't have to but I'm curious (not like that).

Michael Peterson

  • Posts: 1741
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #58 on: November 07, 2017, 06:58:03 pm »
i was on the phone to Gleaming yesterday about exactly this... what they said is the law in this country is that they have to prove that you did it , he said you go onto thier website and report it (even if you didnt do it) and sent the link to the customer or get the customer to call gleaming, they will protect you and sort everything out, his exact words were "we are here to protect you"

Michael Peterson

  • Posts: 1741
Re: cant believe this!!
« Reply #59 on: November 07, 2017, 06:59:01 pm »
if the insurace will deal with them and you never have to in my opinion that is amazing !