Discussing income is a sign of no class and no class is worse than low class. These discussions are a want of big-ing oneself up among peers. It` shows an inherent lack of self-esteem. Always trying to B/S someone how successful you are. It's cheap and nasty. And never convinces anyone except the same Bull shutters. So what do we have here: A forum of low intelligent window cleaner trying to pull the wool over each other's eyes. I find it insulting to one`s intelligence. |I wish the tax man would just spend a week or two on this forum. He will catch a few but also expose the fools. It's a very dumb thing to do, discuss income on here.
What we should be discussing is the price we charge for our service and how we can improve our service and price.
o yes: if the boot fits you know what to do. Don`t tell me I am a nutter, try telling some who understand your ego like your shrink.