I got a call from a roof cleaning job I had quoted two weeks ago. It's got four sides and been recoated a few years back, the moss and lichen is starting to grow back but nothing major. I had quoted to softwash the roof stating no pressure would be used with the moss removed manually.
She says the other guy was cheaper so we went with him but he only done the front as he says it's too slippy "but I see on your website that you price match!" I ask did he pressure wash the roof and she says no, so I drive round and I can see it's most likely been pressure cleaned as there are bare patches where the paints flaked off, so I ask the husband and he says yes! Now the price match would be out the window anyway as he can't do the job nor was it a like for like quote but I'm never keen on doing something that someone else can't be bothered with. So to start with I told her that I'm always wary of taking on jobs when someone didn't finish the job and I would need to have a good look at why he's stopped, but as my ladders padlocked to the van and I've pulled a muscle in my back I'll leave it for a couple of days before I look.
I've just looked up their website and the same size house a few doors up which I quoted for before is on their site! They also claim their Vortex nozzle is a low pressure cleaning system, to me it's a turbo nozzle! Turbo nozzles remove paint!