This time of year is when you get the summer only customers saying can you leave it until spring as well so you have to replace them as well as trying to find new work. If employing for such little profit I personally wouldn't bother and just stay self employed without the added stress. If you're going to employ then make sure you get customers paying regularly as cash flow is even more important when paying employees to keep going. Make sure it's run professionally for decent prices to pay decent wages because you won't get reliable employees on average pay who are reliable because this job can be hard work in all weathers with moaning customers when the weather turns late autumn until spring.
whats "summer only" customers?all my customers windows are cleaned all year round.
So are mine, any ask for summer only get dropped and replaced, not worth bothering with, no loyalty, no customer.
I was referring to new start ups discovering for the first couple years who are genuine all year round customers and those who only want summer cleans as one doesn't know how customers turn out untillate autumn/winter time. Then these summer customers wonder why they can't get widow cleaners, haha. I don't take on summer only customers and let them know from the start it's annual or not at all.