I was talking to a customer today who manages a very large nursing home, this is in Old Colwyn, North Wales. I asked her about the window cleaning. She told me they were using a firm called Wish wash, or something sounding like that from Liverpool.
She went on to tell me that two guys start the job at 7.30 am, finish at four, then come back next day and finish about lunch time. This is a WFP job going up to 5 floors. And the price for this job? £220, yes £220, for a job spanning one and a half days, and two round trips of over 100 miles for two guys.
I'm sure on reading this, there are some on here that would like to kick some backsides, in this case I think the kicking should be self administered.
If you read this Mr wish wash window cleaning, I can reliably inform you that if you had gone in at double the price, you would still have been lower than the next bid with £20 to spare. Dai