850 Grippa tank? No answers on the payload in the comments section. Wheel trims are fecking awful.
What does the LGB stand for lesbian gay and bisexual?
850 Grippa tank.... Yes correct.
Payload is 1308kg
Wheel trims come with the van from new, you CANNOT get alloy wheels rated higher than 1250kg so its steel wheels. I do agree though they are awful! Not as awful as the sign writing though
Had it redone now thank the lord.
LGB doesn't stand for that, but thanks for the input
NEVER ever heard that before.
The van has been weighed 3 times and it can only be filled to around 700L with two men in the van.
The reason i went for the 850 is because it was £200 more than the 650 and it took up no more floor space.
Van has been put on a diet and myself so i can fill it more if needed but i am coming down to PT hours to help run the company so 850 System is no longer really needed. Picked up a Grippatank 650 over the weekend so will down size when i can be bothered.