If you've got a computer, you can create a spreadsheet in Word. It's not difficult.
Use the table function and use the following headings as a guidline:
Area Code (give it a number)
House Number
Street Name
Not Paid
Date Cleaned
Date last cleaned
Remarks (put in customers name and telephone number and anything else you need to remember).
Then each day, copy this file to a 'working file' and sort using the 'A to Z' sort function; deleting the areas or accounts you don't want to clean.
Just print your 'working list' off.
It takes about five minutes to update each evening.
When you want to collect, just use the A to Z sort function again, but in the 'Not Paid' column, delete everyone who has paid, then sort again by area. Print it off. Five minutes work.
At the end of each day I stick the completed job sheet into a diary.
The above might sound complicated; but I assure you with a bit of playing about, it's easy.
You can also copy your rounds total amounts and enter it into an excel spreadsheet to show you your total round's worth and amount of individual cleans you have.
I do this each month and aim to reduce my total monthly individual cleans (some 320 of them), yet increasing the overall amount of income I/we can produce.
Spreadsheets are really good fun! Honest!
The Geek.