Problem it seems most of us who use extreme brushes use them Beacause there's issue with parts of our bodies, shoulders, backs, necks elbows
I prefer the natural bristle hybrid, I really like the medium ultimate, but sadly it's too heavy for general use over the day for me way to many years wfp
Tried using few hours each day to build up muscle staminer, problem is wear and tear repution issues it won't allow it just compounds the issues
Using extreme my bodies fine, stop work within few weeks no issues at all
Extrems sont scrub as well, they have less bustles I prefer ulitiamt on first cleans but still use the extreme but the extremes remove bird pooh quite happily
I use an additve in the water, not vision which really helps just soak on leave kidneys most things
I tend not to over scrub just let brush do work, my extreme lasts me at least six months my daughters a year