Are you sure your not blurring the lines between depression and just feeling a bit down?
We all feel a bit low from time to time. I did yesterday, though self inflicted, through late nights, junk food and laziness over the bank holiday weekend. Added to that it was grey miserable day yesterday, I just had a general feeling of I can't be f##king bothered, felt fatigued and sh!t all day.
No because i consider myself to be fairly content and happy. When the black dog visits it's a feeling of utter feel brokenhearted..and you have no idea why, it makes no sense at all nothing has happened to trigger it it just happens and that in itself makes it worse.
For me i get rapid cycling of mania. Lasting for a few weeks to sometimes going hyper happy to angry and irritable all in one morning, and then I'm on black dog for a day or even a week. And it settles.
Right now I'm okay not super hyper or low I'm just me. Probably be ok now for the rest of the week.
I try not to let it control my life anymore. Sometimes it does influence my decision making and can come out a bit in my conversation but i have learned to manage it and for the most part of it i am quite good at hiding how i am feeling and stopping it from limiting my life.
My goal is to keep going no matter how i am feeling, if black dog is here, he's just an irritating guest that will pass I try to look at it this way and i find that i don't succumb to him and the visit is shorter as he gets bored with me not giving him the attention he wants which is to pander to the feelings of staying in bed, crying or going out to start a fight.