I dont know weather to sack the staff and just go it alone
On the basis of six complaints, three of them co-located (probably gossiping types), and one cancellation; I can't believe this idea entered into your mind; your poor staff!
Do you think they may be 'cutting corners'? Are you checking their work, or are you just relying on your customer's feed-back and hoping for the best?
Dave, with an increased turnover, you
should have an increased level of problems. And if you're not checking up on your staff; just leaving them to their own devices; then I reckon they'll be doing what comes natrually to them; they'll take the 'easy route', as I would if I worked for you.
You've got to ensure that 'management checks' are built into the daily routine of your staff. If you don't; you're to blame for 'spotty windows'. Would it be too difficult to drive around once or twice per day and check their work? Even if it meant getting a set of ladders off to do it?
This is probably my 'army head' suggesting this; but it must make a difference and impress upon your staff the importance of getting a job done correctly; the first time.
And as for your co-located group of moaners, who said their windows hadn't been right in six months, even though you'd cleaned them yourself; is there a possibility they could be exagerating? I think this is probably the case. They don't want to sound like 'whingers', just poor hard done-by souls; getting ripped off each month. Drop 'em.