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  • Posts: 1761
Re: Varistream problem
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2017, 05:00:27 pm »
Can I just ask something.

What is the point of a Varistream?

Personally it's always been a solution to a problem that never existed.

Can someone explain?

The list of benefits is endless. If you don't use one you really are missing out! Mind you, many use them but don't understand how to calibrate them properly- it's hardly rocket science but makes or breaks it.
Comfortably Numb!

Ian Sheppard

  • Posts: 1233
Re: Varistream problem
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2017, 05:07:27 pm »
I am always happy to help with Calibration and there are some videos on this too.
V16 Is Here
Polarity Protect technology

Marc Stock

Re: Varistream problem
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2017, 05:37:40 pm »
Can I just ask something.

What is the point of a Varistream?

Personally it's always been a solution to a problem that never existed.

Can someone explain?

Interesting question. Use of controls is very much a personal thing. I will try answer the question based on my experiences and testing.
In the early days of WFP and pump delivery systems  a number of factors came to the fore quite quickly.  Water use was high, Battery were going flay quickly due to high current draw of the pump (up to 7 amps) The pumps become very hot as there were running flat out. As flow was stopped due to the high conductive load across the pump pressure switch arcing meant that the pump PS was burning out regularly

So the problems very much existed.  Cleaners were getting through a lot of water and suffered down time as the pump PS needed regular replacement plus battery charge did not last long.

A pump run flat out is drawing 7 amps an hour plus its trying to dump 5 litres a minute into a hose line. The flow is the restricted by the hose/jets and perhaps even a tap. The result is high current draw and high back pressure meaning that of the 5LPM the pump is producing perhaps 2 to 3 LPM reach the glass. Combine high pressure and Current you get heat, leading to vey hot pump motors, connectors and cables ECT.

So the question was asked " If only 2 - 3 LPM is needed at the glass why not have the pump produce 2 -3 LPM"  Controllers allowed the user to manage the pump speed so the pump only produced flow that was needed. This at a stroke reduced the pressure in the line, Reduced current load on the battery and reduced the large conductive load on the PS as flow stopped.

The result was Battery charge lasted longer, Water use was reduced, Less down time due to blown hoses, PS burned out ect Cleaner were able to do more work with the same amount of water meaning more earned and the ability to do more work (if they wanted) in a day.With  a controller the pump will produce only the 2 - 3 LPM needed at the glass with the pump drawing 3 amps an hour  plus the pump motor is under less stress and runs cooler meaning less failures and down time

Controllers helped make the system more efficient, As time has gone by ( we have been producing controls for 11 years) They have gone from V1 to V11 and do much more than just alter pump speed. There is now a number of different controls to do different jobs, Different manufactures offering a choice to market meaning people can have a very simple analogue with a potentiometer through to LED controls that manage the whole system Out controls protect the system with a number of safety features that work in the back ground 99% of the time you would never know they are testing while you work

However in the end its about personal choice and what works for each

Thank you for that explanation.

That really has answered my question.

 ;) 8)

Marc Stock

Re: Varistream problem
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2017, 05:39:25 pm »
I just use the pump as is with a tap on the end of the hose. Never had any problems personally.

Lakes and Pennine

  • Posts: 272
Re: Varistream problem
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2017, 07:32:10 am »
Thanks Ian. It appears to have been a bad connection near the pump.  Never would have put it down to that

slap bash

  • Posts: 1366
Re: Varistream problem
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2017, 02:19:01 pm »
I don't need anything to go wrong. A waste of money.When I did use one I always had the pump running full tilt so got rid and no more hassles. ITS there to make use think we are technical which window cleaning is not. The more water on the glass the better it will clean and the quicker you are finished. The principle is easy" float the dirt of the glass".


  • Posts: 1761
Re: Varistream problem
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2017, 05:44:35 pm »
I don't need anything to go wrong. A waste of money.When I did use one I always had the pump running full tilt so got rid and no more hassles. ITS there to make use think we are technical which window cleaning is not. The more water on the glass the better it will clean and the quicker you are finished. The principle is easy" float the dirt of the glass".

Perfect example of someone who hasn't a clue how use nor set one up!!  ;D
Comfortably Numb!