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duncan h

  • Posts: 1875
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2017, 08:25:46 pm »
Went to quote and she wanted the Connie roof done on the first clean. I gave her the price for the roof and she said that's expensive, it's only been up 4 months and it's self cleaning glass. When I looked it was filthy and didn't have the blue hue that pilkingtons sc glass has. It didn't look anything special at all. Now I'm no expert but I said to her is it really self cleaning glass (it was oddly filthy and it had rained the day before). She was  adamant that it was (cause that's what the salesman told her) and showed me all of her receipts and paperwork for the Connie. It had loads of info but no mention anywhere that it was self cleaning. When I told her that there was no mention of it and perhaps she should just phone the company and check, she went nuts! Started shouting at me and told me to leave. I couldn't get out of there quick enough.
Had a few like that. They don't like being told they are wrong. A bit like my wife :)

Susan Dean (1stclean)

  • Posts: 2064
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2017, 01:15:31 pm »
great redding guys as I was just starting to think we only had these type of people bin 22 jobs so far this year we not going to mess around around more


  • Posts: 25122
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2017, 07:38:16 pm »
3rd clean on this customer i picked up in a small town rural based.  It's an old guy living by himself, so when he asked me to clean even though its 5 mins drive out my way i said yes.  Detached house normally would be £12 i said i would do for £14.  He then said right okay, but clean the garage door too :O  For some reason i said yes...

First clean he seemed fine, just being a little picky but it went okay all in all.

Second clean he wanted me to trad the doors, because he was worried the water from wfp would free overnight and he would fall over?  Hes a fit older guy, just remember there may be water outside your door??  So fine i trad his doors for him.

So Last month i went to clean for 3rd time, he said dont bother unless its late afternoon, i said well that doesnt work for me i will come when i come.... Probably around lunch, can you leave money somewhere safe?  No, absolutely not, only clean when i am here otherwise i wont pay you....  Right i said, then he said on second thought skip me this month.  I really cba to argue as i was having a bad day anyway, so i said thats fine.


Then this month, same thing again being awkward when i am arranging to clean, but i moved things around slightly just to go in the afternoon.  I get there, clean for him, then he asks me to do the inside of his garage door.  It was last job of the day, so i said fine ok, he didnt offer more and i didnt ask.  Then he says, i dont think the windows need doing every month its a bit pointless...  Please clean for me bi monthly.

So i was ready to drop him at this point, i try to be nice, but when customers start being awkward, you either pay me more or im dropping you...  Said its £5 extra for bi monthly.  He said yes fine.  Lets see what happens in 8 weeks when im due round again.

That was this week, the customer problems i had last week, i dont even want too talk about, as it got my blood boiling to the point of rage.....

Nutterssssss  :( :( :( :( :( :(

See that red line above? That's where he would have got dumped with a Granville Gold flounce.
It's a game of three halves!