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duncan h

  • Posts: 1875
your worst new customer
« on: March 23, 2017, 08:07:27 pm »
What is your worst new customer for taking the P.
Just got a new one. I was doing first clean round the back. She was with a friend taking.Came the end and I knocked on front door..nothing. Went round back...nothing. Could she hear me? Could she see me? Couldn't be bothered waiting so sent a text saying windows cleaned poped payment slip in letterbox blah blah and that she didn't hear me knock. Gets text back. THANKS.
I am shocked that she hasn't paid yet NOT! Sent reminder to pay. Nothing. Now this is really winding me up. I normally let it ride, but this time, I don't think so. She doesn't know where I live lol

paul alan

  • Posts: 1683
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2017, 08:24:19 pm »
Had 1 customer complain because i left a note and went, i told her i rang the doorbell and knocked.

She replied the doorbell doesnt work.

Next clean i knocked the door, she burst through the door and said quite abruptly" the doorbell does work you know"

Awkward personality i think, part of me says dont go back but another part of me likes it because she must be wound up by me in some way and its mildly entertaining.


  • Posts: 2964
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2017, 08:39:12 pm »

I had one come out today when I knocked to collect my dosh “I worked that out at £1.00 every 30 seconds. Clear off”.

*A HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE - THE SHORT STORY* 'Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people.'


  • Posts: 2080
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2017, 08:48:30 pm »
Had a neighbour of one I was cleaning yesterday in the rain, tut at me and said " your wasting your time in this weather"
When he returned from the bin at the end of his drive he then said " would that reach that window"? Pointing to an inaccessible one from a ladder, to which I replied, "yes but that would be wasting my time"


  • Posts: 6159
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2017, 08:49:46 pm »
I had one yesterday

I messaged her mon to clean tue. she text back can you call weds instead (shes cash only).

normally i would say no but going away next week so wanted to get done.

Anyway call round weds as agreed 2pm, knock knock lots of times no answer, cars in the drive.

balls to it i say to myself im not cleaning it if she aint in and shes dumped.

Anyway drove to lidl to buy sumert for tea, as im there i text her and said just called round but no answer are you in?

gets a text back, "yes but its raining, i dont want them done in rain"

so the p taking cow had me drive all the way there out of my way and ignored me knocking.....

hence she is now dumped

capn sparkle

  • Posts: 567
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2017, 09:59:32 pm »
Clean 50 odd out of 65 on a posh estate, when they sell I chuck my standard letter through explaining how I work / frequency etc. Usually works or neighbours recommend me so keep the work with no real hassle!

Spotted one had eventually sold so letter popped in as cleaning all neighbours next few days - phone call that evening from new owners (could I put them on the round) Me : No probs as I'm there tomorrow so I'll clean yours tomorrow morning with the surrounding houses.

Text me at 07.45am to cancel the clean as having work done on house! Grrrr, blinds being fitted INSIDE.

Might be down to 49 custies  ???


  • Posts: 5366
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2017, 11:03:51 pm »
Picked up a new client last month, neighbour to several houses that i clean. The windows hadn't been cleaned for a while and so i always get a first clean price and agreed a four weekly price. Also established she normally pad locks side gate and so explain i text night before etc etc. I clean windows and she pays and all pleased etc.

So ive text her this evening and got this response:

I dont do 3 strikes on new clients, its one strike and there off books apart from a note in back of my books of all the ones who waste my time so i dont make same mistake with them in future

the king

  • Posts: 1426
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2017, 07:13:41 am »
i did a job and the guy came out and said can you clean this awning its a tiny thing but was grean so spent 10 minits on it got it looking good and he came out with the £11 for the windows +£2 for the awning  :o , i was in shock he said thanks very much here is a few quid for the awning you wont have to do it for a long time any way  :o and walked off 


  • Posts: 186
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2017, 07:20:56 am »
I hate it when you text a reminder and they use it as an excuse to cancel"this time" If it wasnt a suitable day or time surely they should text you prior and say this months a no no because of  xyz.... They always get the hard word after this type of cancellation.
My strangest ever knock back was after doing this job four or five times, she said "I will have to change back to a trad guy as your poley thing is causing damp in my bedeoom under the window cills" :-\ I ask you maybe they house was leaky all the time!!!
The Stupid Neither Forgive Nor Forget
The Naive Forgive And Forget
The Wise Forgive But Don't Forget


  • Posts: 3873
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2017, 07:46:55 am »
I hate it when you text a reminder and they use it as an excuse to cancel"this time" If it wasnt a suitable day or time surely they should text you prior and say this months a no no because of  xyz.... They always get the hard word after this type of cancellation.
My strangest ever knock back was after doing this job four or five times, she said "I will have to change back to a trad guy as your poley thing is causing damp in my bedeoom under the window cills" :-\ I ask you maybe they house was leaky all the time!!!
i had someone cancel for this reason years ago, she said her wall wall was getting damp. It beggars believe sometimes the way some people think.


  • Posts: 2218
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2017, 08:29:51 am »
There are a lot of absolute nutters around
Makes me feel sane


  • Posts: 5366
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2017, 08:37:19 am »
I hate it when you text a reminder and they use it as an excuse to cancel"this time" If it wasnt a suitable day or time surely they should text you prior and say this months a no no because of  xyz.... They always get the hard word after this type of cancellation.
My strangest ever knock back was after doing this job four or five times, she said "I will have to change back to a trad guy as your poley thing is causing damp in my bedeoom under the window cills" :-\ I ask you maybe they house was leaky all the time!!!
i had someone cancel for this reason years ago, she said her wall wall was getting damp. It beggars believe sometimes the way some people think.

A house i did last week, (one ive recently taken over from a friend) wooden frames and georgian windows, quite a big house and he did them traditional way. Thought sack that and got wfp on it. I had it on high flow to give all frames a good wash down. I saw her looking at front downstairs windows whilst i was about to do the rear downstairs one. She came running over to Windows asking for me to stop!! Because i was cleaning above the window that opened, because they arent air tight the water was running in and down windows and shes just had that room newly decorated n replastered. Woops!!😦

slap bash

  • Posts: 1366
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2017, 12:04:46 pm »
It must be my age.  I have one call me each year for a gutter clean. I don`t want the work. It`s a  awkward  job no place to work, get a price, then takes 3 months to decide and will come back 3 times and try to get the price down. Then calls me back after 3 months and asks if I can do it tomorrow. I just have enough of my life left for this nonce. I told her this week not to call me again as I don`t want the job. I want to sing a Him . f---------       him

Marc Stock

Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2017, 06:01:55 pm »
I hate it when you text a reminder and they use it as an excuse to cancel"this time" If it wasnt a suitable day or time surely they should text you prior and say this months a no no because of  xyz.... They always get the hard word after this type of cancellation.
My strangest ever knock back was after doing this job four or five times, she said "I will have to change back to a trad guy as your poley thing is causing damp in my bedeoom under the window cills" :-\ I ask you maybe they house was leaky all the time!!!

This is why I don't text the day before.

This is why the next date system works.

This is why I still charge full price even if they forget gate.

Picked up a new one yesterday,  he asked me to quote for him. So after the round I popped over to do the quote, he was moaning how he sacked his other service due to using water on the windows and not drying them off properly.

I said well, your not going to like this...

Anyway he agreed to the price and wants me to book him in but I'm thinking....nahhh


  • Posts: 948
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2017, 06:36:21 pm »
3rd clean on this customer i picked up in a small town rural based.  It's an old guy living by himself, so when he asked me to clean even though its 5 mins drive out my way i said yes.  Detached house normally would be £12 i said i would do for £14.  He then said right okay, but clean the garage door too :O  For some reason i said yes...

First clean he seemed fine, just being a little picky but it went okay all in all.

Second clean he wanted me to trad the doors, because he was worried the water from wfp would free overnight and he would fall over?  Hes a fit older guy, just remember there may be water outside your door??  So fine i trad his doors for him.

So Last month i went to clean for 3rd time, he said dont bother unless its late afternoon, i said well that doesnt work for me i will come when i come.... Probably around lunch, can you leave money somewhere safe?  No, absolutely not, only clean when i am here otherwise i wont pay you....  Right i said, then he said on second thought skip me this month.  I really cba to argue as i was having a bad day anyway, so i said thats fine.

Then this month, same thing again being awkward when i am arranging to clean, but i moved things around slightly just to go in the afternoon.  I get there, clean for him, then he asks me to do the inside of his garage door.  It was last job of the day, so i said fine ok, he didnt offer more and i didnt ask.  Then he says, i dont think the windows need doing every month its a bit pointless...  Please clean for me bi monthly.

So i was ready to drop him at this point, i try to be nice, but when customers start being awkward, you either pay me more or im dropping you...  Said its £5 extra for bi monthly.  He said yes fine.  Lets see what happens in 8 weeks when im due round again.

That was this week, the customer problems i had last week, i dont even want too talk about, as it got my blood boiling to the point of rage.....

Nutterssssss  :( :( :( :( :( :(


  • Posts: 2218
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2017, 06:58:16 pm »
 Hey Josh, you are too accommodating
Be a hardnose ;D


  • Posts: 2358
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2017, 08:18:14 pm »
Had 1 customer complain because i left a note and went, i told her i rang the doorbell and knocked.

She replied the doorbell doesnt work.

Next clean i knocked the door, she burst through the door and said quite abruptly" the doorbell does work you know"

Awkward personality i think, part of me says dont go back but another part of me likes it because she must be wound up by me in some way and its mildly entertaining.

Like it  ;D
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 948
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2017, 03:04:47 pm »
Hey Josh, you are too accommodating
Be a hardnose ;D

I think it comes with age and experience, either that or you are right, maybe i need some lessons.  I gathered that you dont take any messing about :P

Sometimes i don't if im in a good mood though i let my guard down, that's when i get taken advantage of!


  • Posts: 498
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2017, 03:54:20 pm »
Had one this week..

can you clean the front?
Yes £10. ....   and the side... ok if there are not too many...
OK you NEED to come NOW...
GRRR when Im done here ill come round (only a block away but I wanted to finish the street)
I look and its 3 stories on the side...
Umm this will be extra
OHH im on a budget  I ONLY HAVE A TENNER...
ok dont cleant the top 2 windows..
Clean clean clean..... get to the side.... almost done..
Hey if I give you £2 can you do the top 2 windows?
NO  (im not in the mood for this guy and about to explode) (im a really calm person FYI)
all done
please come here..
can you clean here inside the door..
£10 please
I ONLY have £20 do you have change..
Inside I go KABOOM....
heres take 10   £1 coins
oh can you come every month
walking away and paking up...
I will see.... call me... BYE price rule is £10 A SIDE...


  • Posts: 2418
Re: your worst new customer
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2017, 05:41:59 pm »
Went to quote and she wanted the Connie roof done on the first clean. I gave her the price for the roof and she said that's expensive, it's only been up 4 months and it's self cleaning glass. When I looked it was filthy and didn't have the blue hue that pilkingtons sc glass has. It didn't look anything special at all. Now I'm no expert but I said to her is it really self cleaning glass (it was oddly filthy and it had rained the day before). She was  adamant that it was (cause that's what the salesman told her) and showed me all of her receipts and paperwork for the Connie. It had loads of info but no mention anywhere that it was self cleaning. When I told her that there was no mention of it and perhaps she should just phone the company and check, she went nuts! Started shouting at me and told me to leave. I couldn't get out of there quick enough.
"Thank you for calling: if you have a 1st floor flat, mid terraced house, lots of dogs, no parking, no side access, or no sense of humour, please press hold!
For all other enquiries, please press1"