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Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #60 on: March 22, 2017, 04:54:38 pm »
There's a difference between networking and advertising. If you don't like the restriction, leave. Simple as.
I would agree. There is a difference. Can you explain it to us?

I listed some aims of networking earlier. All of them I try do do on here. That's not advertising though is it? As you say, there's a difference.

So far, no one has told me what forum rule I am breaking, nor explain how my approach is nothing else but networking, including you.
You are on here to recruit subbies and sell your course. That's a one way street. And when people that have done work for you and gave their views you have said it's their fault because they can't follow your instruction. Further, as these early subbies realise there is no money in it for them, you're running out and have had to come back to recruit more.

Why don't you just pay to advertise. It can't be that expensive can it?

Are you under the influence of any strange substances today?
What are you on about now?

Solar Steve

  • Posts: 133
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #61 on: March 22, 2017, 05:03:28 pm »
There's a difference between networking and advertising. If you don't like the restriction, leave. Simple as.
I would agree. There is a difference. Can you explain it to us?

I listed some aims of networking earlier. All of them I try do do on here. That's not advertising though is it? As you say, there's a difference.

So far, no one has told me what forum rule I am breaking, nor explain how my approach is nothing else but networking, including you.
You are on here to recruit subbies and sell your course. That's a one way street. And when people that have done work for you and gave their views you have said it's their fault because they can't follow your instruction. Further, as these early subbies realise there is no money in it for them, you're running out and have had to come back to recruit more.

Why don't you just pay to advertise. It can't be that expensive can it?
Pure codswallop.

Do the maths. 200 panels cleaned in 2012 in-house. Over 1 million panels cleaned in 2016 with over 70 subcontractors. You don't hit that number by 'running out' of subcontractors. ANYONE would need external help to cope with that rate of growth, unless you have an angel investor or are willing to have a massive loan. Both of which I am not willing to do.

Do you really think my focus is 'selling' my course? It's a tiny fraction of what we do.

The only correct thing you said in that post is that I need more subcontractors. Correct, I agree. I do. That's not advertising either. I'm only agreeing with your statement. I am responding to the demands of my industry.

Perhaps with your in-depth knowledge, you could tell me how I should have done things. Maybe you can let me know how you would have grown the business and highlight where I have gone wrong.


  • Posts: 2358
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #62 on: March 22, 2017, 05:20:59 pm »
Bungle I have come to realise that your one off the most jealous people on this forum a lot of your posts contain jealously. I had a neighbour like you really jealous person because of my success in buisness it soon turned into violence but it all came from him in end I had to move away from the area as one of us would have ended up seriously injured. People like you should end up on a deserted island can't be doing with all this school children attitudes grow up man go play with zippy or George 😠rant over

Well boo hoo
We look at them, they look through them.


Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #63 on: March 22, 2017, 05:34:08 pm »
There's a difference between networking and advertising. If you don't like the restriction, leave. Simple as.
I would agree. There is a difference. Can you explain it to us?

I listed some aims of networking earlier. All of them I try do do on here. That's not advertising though is it? As you say, there's a difference.

So far, no one has told me what forum rule I am breaking, nor explain how my approach is nothing else but networking, including you.
You are on here to recruit subbies and sell your course. That's a one way street. And when people that have done work for you and gave their views you have said it's their fault because they can't follow your instruction. Further, as these early subbies realise there is no money in it for them, you're running out and have had to come back to recruit more.

Why don't you just pay to advertise. It can't be that expensive can it?
Pure codswallop.

Do the maths. 200 panels cleaned in 2012 in-house. Over 1 million panels cleaned in 2016 with over 70 subcontractors. You don't hit that number by 'running out' of subcontractors. ANYONE would need external help to cope with that rate of growth, unless you have an angel investor or are willing to have a massive loan. Both of which I am not willing to do.

Do you really think my focus is 'selling' my course? It's a tiny fraction of what we do.

The only correct thing you said in that post is that I need more subcontractors. Correct, I agree. I do. That's not advertising either. I'm only agreeing with your statement. I am responding to the demands of my industry.

Perhaps with your in-depth knowledge, you could tell me how I should have done things. Maybe you can let me know how you would have grown the business and highlight where I have gone wrong.
I'm just repeating what your subbies have said. Don't shoot the messenger.  ;)


  • Posts: 8538
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #64 on: March 22, 2017, 05:36:38 pm »
When was the last time you actually contributed to this forum Steve apart from just using it as a free marketing/recruitment platform.
Look back through topics and you'll see. Within the last week.

When I say contribute that actually means giving helpful advice to others not just posting for your own gain.


Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #65 on: March 22, 2017, 05:45:25 pm »
When was the last time you actually contributed to this forum Steve apart from just using it as a free marketing/recruitment platform.
Look back through topics and you'll see. Within the last week.

When I say contribute that actually means giving helpful advice to others not just posting for your own gain.
To be fair no one has done more to stress what a risky business solar panels are. Seems incredible that one can be cleaned for 18p.


  • Posts: 1628
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #66 on: March 22, 2017, 05:51:15 pm »
When was the last time you actually contributed to this forum Steve apart from just using it as a free marketing/recruitment platform.
Look back through topics and you'll see. Within the last week.

When I say contribute that actually means giving helpful advice to others not just posting for your own gain.
To be fair no one has done more to stress what a risky business solar panels are. Seems incredible that one can be cleaned for 18p.

Green eyed monster!!
Comfortably Numb!


Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #67 on: March 22, 2017, 05:54:58 pm »
When was the last time you actually contributed to this forum Steve apart from just using it as a free marketing/recruitment platform.
Look back through topics and you'll see. Within the last week.

When I say contribute that actually means giving helpful advice to others not just posting for your own gain.
To be fair no one has done more to stress what a risky business solar panels are. Seems incredible that one can be cleaned for 18p.

Green eyed monster!!
Oh yeah.  ;D

Solar Steve

  • Posts: 133
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #68 on: March 22, 2017, 11:48:40 pm »
Down to one sentence replies when I ask you to be constructive instead of criticising. Interesting solution! 🙄


  • Posts: 25119
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #69 on: March 23, 2017, 12:08:35 am »
Speak to Mitch or Granville.
I tried last time before I deleted my account. Mitch said some may view it as advertising. Fair enough, but why can some advertise and not others? My examples above are clear examples of threads that are not locked or banned, but when I have posted similar, they are locked or deleted very quickly.

Granville seems to have an itchy finger and looks to lock my threads too. When I asked him why, he said he will allow some people to advertise and not others. He said if you are a bigger company, he will not allow you the same freedom as the smaller company.

The forum rules should not be open to the discretion of a mod as to what is advertising and what isn't according to the size of their company. It's either advertising or it isn't.

I am still yet to have a mod or anyone quote one of the forum rules to me that I have contravened.

Hello Steve,

See that bit in red? When did I say that? When did we even discuss it?

Also you said not long after starting to recently post on CIU again that you "had spoken to Mitch" - when I clarified that with Forum Admin I was told that you do not have clearance to advertise.

It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 2079
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #70 on: March 23, 2017, 08:32:52 am »
If you think he's advertising then why don't you just lock the threads within first few posts to stop all the argument s


  • Posts: 2964
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #71 on: March 23, 2017, 08:39:35 am »
It was locked, then this one was started.
*A HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE - THE SHORT STORY* 'Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people.'


  • Posts: 2218
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #72 on: March 23, 2017, 08:43:00 am »
Hey Steve,
DO you ACTUALLY pay 18p per panel to subcontractors?


Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #73 on: March 23, 2017, 08:58:34 am »
Hey Steve,
DO you ACTUALLY pay 18p per panel to subcontractors?
I understood from a previous thread that he paid 12p, but charged 18p. Perhaps I misremember. Happy to be corrected.


  • Posts: 2079
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #74 on: March 23, 2017, 09:28:18 am »
100 panels for £12 1000 for £120 that's shocking 😉 You wouldn't be getting a Christmas bonus from them would you lol I would rather stick with cleaning houses


  • Posts: 86
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #75 on: March 23, 2017, 02:34:03 pm »
Someone might like it that hasn't got a job. So well done Steve for making work even if it's not for anyone. Just wonder why they waste so much energy shooting you down.
It's got nothing to do with them
Unless forwhat I read you are a fly man, have you ripped anyone off on here or something?


  • Posts: 8538
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #76 on: March 23, 2017, 04:48:55 pm »
Someone might like it that hasn't got a job. So well done Steve for making work even if it's not for anyone. Just wonder why they waste so much energy shooting you down.
It's got nothing to do with them
Unless forwhat I read you are a fly man, have you ripped anyone off on here or something?

SS has never been one to contribute on any  forum. Only to line his own pockets that is with his so say "networking." (you pay me I will tell you approach) That is the only reason why he is back as needs to grow his so say business further off the backs of others.  Then bitches when his posts gets locked or deleted and buggers off again.

I guess that's the downfall of his success story as I'm guessing he has more work coming in than he can handle but  is running out of peeps interested to do the actual hands on work. lol

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4873
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #77 on: March 23, 2017, 05:05:01 pm »
Someone might like it that hasn't got a job. So well done Steve for making work even if it's not for anyone. Just wonder why they waste so much energy shooting you down.
It's got nothing to do with them
Unless forwhat I read you are a fly man, have you ripped anyone off on here or something?

SS has never been one to contribute on any  forum. Only to line his own pockets that is with his so say "networking." (you pay me I will tell you approach) That is the only reason why he is back as needs to grow his so say business further off the backs of others.  Then bitches when his posts gets locked or deleted and buggers off again. lol

I would imagine he's actually back as there was a thread started about him by an old 'contractor' of his and he got wind of it and signed back up to the forum to get involved

the 'networking' spiel is just a smoke screen imo, but to each their own
Why don't you have a quick google before making stupid comments?


  • Posts: 9022
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #78 on: March 23, 2017, 08:13:47 pm »
i love solar panels  ;D

Solar Steve

  • Posts: 133
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #79 on: March 23, 2017, 08:25:22 pm »
Speak to Mitch or Granville.
I tried last time before I deleted my account. Mitch said some may view it as advertising. Fair enough, but why can some advertise and not others? My examples above are clear examples of threads that are not locked or banned, but when I have posted similar, they are locked or deleted very quickly.

Granville seems to have an itchy finger and looks to lock my threads too. When I asked him why, he said he will allow some people to advertise and not others. He said if you are a bigger company, he will not allow you the same freedom as the smaller company.

The forum rules should not be open to the discretion of a mod as to what is advertising and what isn't according to the size of their company. It's either advertising or it isn't.

I am still yet to have a mod or anyone quote one of the forum rules to me that I have contravened.

Hello Steve,

See that bit in red? When did I say that? When did we even discuss it?

Also you said not long after starting to recently post on CIU again that you "had spoken to Mitch" - when I clarified that with Forum Admin I was told that you do not have clearance to advertise.
We discussed the 'bit in red' in a private email conversation when a number of my threads got locked prior to my closing my account previously. I asked you specifically why you were locking my threads. You said that I was advertising my training course. I asked for you to provide specific examples, when it was in fact, other people raising the subject of the training and details surrounding it.  I sent you a number of links to other people's threads that were exactly the same as mine in nature, but on a different subject. You then said however other mods may act, you would give more leeway to a smaller contractor than you would a larger or more established company like mine.

It was a large part of why I closed my account. If a mod can use his personal view of the size of someone's company as to what degree he enforces the rules of the forum, it is dare I say it, discriminatory (not a word I use lightly) against larger companies. The rules should apply to all members equally, in spite of their company size.

I don't know how you mods communicate offline with each other or us members. But if you all share a server and the emails are saved on that server, it should be easy for someone your end to find the email that you sent to me. If you communicate with members individually, it may be more difficult to track the email down. I am also open to the suggestion that Tosh sent me the email if you are adamant that you didn't send it, but I know full well it's was a mod.

I had spoken to Mitch prior to setting up a new account about advertising and voiced my concerns about my paying money to advertise on a forum when the atmosphere against me and my business was so toxic. I have not yet parted with money to advertise on here, but nor have I advertised at all either.

If you feel I am guilty of advertising since I have re-joined in my comments, please post them below and explain why you feel it is advertising.

If you can explain what CIU mean on their Google ad to join and 'network' that may help me and others stay on the right side of the rules too.

Wikipedia provide a definition: "Networking is a socioeconomic business activity by which businesspeople and entrepreneurs meet to form business relationships and to recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities, share information and seek potential partners for ventures."

According to your Google advert, I am invited to 'network', this involves creating business opportunities, which I have done and seek potential partners, which is what  I have done. I am therefore using the forum exactly as CIU invite me to.