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  • Posts: 3873
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #40 on: March 22, 2017, 11:07:48 am »
Steve, not being funny, but why do you post on here?
Simple, to better and grow my business.

I don't understand why anyone else would come on here, if not for that reason.

Well, there's your problem. The mods see it as you trying to 'use' the forum so they don't like it. The members see you as using them so they don't like it either. Remember your parting message when you deleted your account last time? You said something like you had used the forum and got what you wanted and basically you lot can bugger off.
I don't come on here to further my business, I come for the banter and the odd tips and the laugh. Always been a good place in the ten years I've used it.
I think that sums it up pretty good, Window cleaning is such a simple business compared to others if you want to expand its just a case of canvassing etc to get more custom its a relatively small outlay business compared to others and every question really has been answered on here already.
Steve i reckon if you had come on here in the beginning and was just asking for subbies for your solar farms you would have been treated differently the fact you were trying to get them on here to do your course (that they had to pay for) thats where the advertising comes in and put people's backs up and the mods and now thats stuck with you. People come on here all the time and have done for many years before you started posting looking/advertising for subbies or abseilers etc and their posts dont get deleted.

Dave Willis

Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #41 on: March 22, 2017, 11:12:04 am »
I think maybe your idea of networking might not be quite the same as others. To many networking is just communicating, yours and one or two others is obviously to drive business your way. Probably a fine line between the two. Some people blatantly use the forum to drive traffic to their website etc by posting turgid videos, one mod even ran his business through the site. One who deleted his account suddenly returned to sell a spare van, others have set up trying to sell chinese poles and water additives.
Eventually everyone gets to know their intentions (it's pretty obvious) and eventually they get found out. 

Solar Steve

  • Posts: 133
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #42 on: March 22, 2017, 11:14:41 am »
Steve, not being funny, but why do you post on here?
Simple, to better and grow my business.

I don't understand why anyone else would come on here, if not for that reason.

Well, there's your problem. The mods see it as you trying to 'use' the forum so they don't like it. The members see you as using them so they don't like it either. Remember your parting message when you deleted your account last time? You said something like you had used the forum and got what you wanted and basically you lot can bugger off.
I don't come on here to further my business, I come for the banter and the odd tips and the laugh. Always been a good place in the ten years I've used it.
Perhaps I should say I 'make use of' the forum. Either way, this is a channel to network, that's what I'm doing.

As I said earlier, members have a CHOICE to not view my posts. If they exercise their CHOICE to view my stuff, that is up to them. I merely post, as I can on any forum, not just cleaning forums. If people CHOOSE not to respond, that's fine. But it is all about choice.

I do remember my parting comment. This is not me bragging, but we continue to outstrip all of our targets and we simply need to work with even more companies.

If you want to come on here for 'a laugh', fine. You should not be mocked or decried for doing so. But if people come on here for more professional and business-driven reasons, that should be fine too.

Solar Steve

  • Posts: 133
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #43 on: March 22, 2017, 11:22:31 am »
Steve, not being funny, but why do you post on here?
Simple, to better and grow my business.

I don't understand why anyone else would come on here, if not for that reason.

Well, there's your problem. The mods see it as you trying to 'use' the forum so they don't like it. The members see you as using them so they don't like it either. Remember your parting message when you deleted your account last time? You said something like you had used the forum and got what you wanted and basically you lot can bugger off.
I don't come on here to further my business, I come for the banter and the odd tips and the laugh. Always been a good place in the ten years I've used it.
I think that sums it up pretty good, Window cleaning is such a simple business compared to others if you want to expand its just a case of canvassing etc to get more custom its a relatively small outlay business compared to others and every question really has been answered on here already.
Steve i reckon if you had come on here in the beginning and was just asking for subbies for your solar farms you would have been treated differently the fact you were trying to get them on here to do your course (that they had to pay for) thats where the advertising comes in and put people's backs up and the mods and now thats stuck with you. People come on here all the time and have done for many years before you started posting looking/advertising for subbies or abseilers etc and their posts dont get deleted.
I take what you say, but Lee Pryor and Vin have run into similar issues without speaking about a training course.

Issues started with me asking for subcontractors BEFORE training was even mentioned.


  • Posts: 3873
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #44 on: March 22, 2017, 11:53:30 am »
This forum isnt perfect by any means and there are people on here who just like to wind others up for sure. 90% of people on here have been running their business for many years and can't really learn anything else from it probably yourself included, so they just come on here for a bit of banter at the end of the  working day, or to see what new gear there is etc what else is there to really learn about cleaning windows or solar panels. There is building your business by networking or whatever you want to call it  and there is coming on here to try and make money out of members (as what you did) there is a difference. Like i said for years people have come on here looking for subbies etc to try and build their business and get others to make money out of it too and there hasn't been a problem with Mods deleting posts.
In fairness to people like Vin(who can be just as sarcastic to people as some my be to him), Lee Pryor they have probably taken things further then a lot on here (myself included) and when their post are mainly about themselves  they are going to get the ones who like to wind people up commenting negatively on their posts but they also get people posting  a lot of positive stuff (but they fail to mention that), but when they start saying "i dont know why i bother posting" all the time then people will think well dont bother then.
This forum is what it is, if you want just Business related topics and network only then i'm sure their are other forums more directed at this or even start one yourself where you can Mod it how you like and have like minded people as your members.


Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #45 on: March 22, 2017, 12:15:42 pm »
Why don't you advertise ? as I see it you run a sub contract business so there's custom to be gained from here
therefore your annoyed that you cant use the forum  to access it cost free.
Pay up, not only will it solve your problem but you wont come across as such a dodgy character.
Because I'm only networking, as CIU invite me to do.

How does paying money clear up someone's character? Buying your way out of trouble often indicates you have something to hide.
That and a backlink to your Australian website.


  • Posts: 2079
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #46 on: March 22, 2017, 12:19:42 pm »
Quite a few times I have wrote something out to post on here and when I have read it thought to myself that someone will probably slate me so often deleted them

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8850
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2017, 12:34:21 pm »
Why don't you advertise ? as I see it you run a sub contract business so there's custom to be gained from here
therefore your annoyed that you cant use the forum  to access it cost free.
Pay up, not only will it solve your problem but you wont come across as such a dodgy character.
Because I'm only networking, as CIU invite me to do.

How does paying money clear up someone's character? Buying your way out of trouble often indicates you have something to hide.

Your not buying your way out of trouble your paying to promote your business opportunities, trying to do it on the cheap
on here sends out the message that your either a penny pinching scrooge or your not making enough money to pay for the
advertising, in other words somebody to be wary off.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #48 on: March 22, 2017, 01:03:31 pm »
You mentioned your on this forum to contribute and to expand your business. However are you wanting to expand your business with knowledge gained from this forum. Ie, how would you recommend this or that? do you go about this or that?
OR   are you wanting to expand your business with business partnerships or subs.
It comes across as the latter which by default is under advertising ir dropping bait for someone to pick up.   So simply advertise in the legit way and avoid all of this waste of time and spend your time on an advertising campaign to get you closer to your goals. People can respect that

Jamie Thomas

  • Posts: 174
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #49 on: March 22, 2017, 01:25:29 pm »
As ciu make the rules and supply this forum for all of us to get to gether for Free. if someone doesn't like the way it's run why doesn't ciu send them a quiet pm and put a cross through there account then they can't come on here and be mistreated, it's the only kind thing to do.


  • Posts: 2080
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #50 on: March 22, 2017, 02:38:13 pm »
Steve, not being funny, but why do you post on here?
Simple, to better and grow my business.

I don't understand why anyone else would come on here, if not for that reason.

You had a hissy fit when you left last time. You offered nothing throughout the whole membership other than to scare off competition in solar panel cleaning unless we paid for your course and insulted us as you left.
Now you've come back to better and grow your business? Yeah right.
Two things I seem to remember was underhandedly gaining a solar farm to quote from purple rhino  I'm sure you said it was a misunderstanding.
and you asking for opinions on a management company that would handle all the legal side or your growth,  you were warned of poor service and rocketing fees and not to deal with them. But you argued everyone down. This summed you up to me
You also played the victim before. Pay for the advertising, you may have more clout with admin if we are horrible to you and those who follow your success can continue to blow smoke up your ego 😁

Solar Steve

  • Posts: 133
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #51 on: March 22, 2017, 03:45:31 pm »
Why don't you advertise ? as I see it you run a sub contract business so there's custom to be gained from here
therefore your annoyed that you cant use the forum  to access it cost free.
Pay up, not only will it solve your problem but you wont come across as such a dodgy character.
Because I'm only networking, as CIU invite me to do.

How does paying money clear up someone's character? Buying your way out of trouble often indicates you have something to hide.
That and a backlink to your Australian website.
People backlink to their newest website. So have I.

Solar Steve

  • Posts: 133
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #52 on: March 22, 2017, 03:46:18 pm »
Quite a few times I have wrote something out to post on here and when I have read it thought to myself that someone will probably slate me so often deleted them
Which is a shame.

Solar Steve

  • Posts: 133
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #53 on: March 22, 2017, 04:03:41 pm »
Why don't you advertise ? as I see it you run a sub contract business so there's custom to be gained from here
therefore your annoyed that you cant use the forum  to access it cost free.
Pay up, not only will it solve your problem but you wont come across as such a dodgy character.
Because I'm only networking, as CIU invite me to do.

How does paying money clear up someone's character? Buying your way out of trouble often indicates you have something to hide.

Your not buying your way out of trouble your paying to promote your business opportunities, trying to do it on the cheap
on here sends out the message that your either a penny pinching scrooge or your not making enough money to pay for the
advertising, in other words somebody to be wary off.
CIU invite people to 'network'.  What is networking if it isn't trying to contact like-minded individuals?

I'm on here to do business, to better MY business. This is what many people try and do, better their business. People on this forum probably do this by:

1. Gaining knowledge about what may be their new job/trade.
2. By getting knowledge of newer or better products than they currently own.
3. Adding a further service to their current offering. This could be gutter, driveway or carpet cleaning.
4. Learn how to get better marketing materials by way of flyers, signwriting or website.
5. Learn how to scale their business.

For me personally, I have done this on forums for about 15 years, since I had my first website built. I now need the forum for a different reason, to cope with rapid growth. But I still am using the forum for the same basic reason as everyone else, to better my business.

One way I need to do this now is to contact other cleaning companies en masse. There is no better central place to do this than CIU. They have 29,000 that I am invited to network with. I am making the most of their invitation to network.

Solar Steve

  • Posts: 133
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #54 on: March 22, 2017, 04:11:51 pm »
You mentioned your on this forum to contribute and to expand your business. However are you wanting to expand your business with knowledge gained from this forum. Ie, how would you recommend this or that? do you go about this or that?
OR   are you wanting to expand your business with business partnerships or subs.
It comes across as the latter which by default is under advertising ir dropping bait for someone to pick up.   So simply advertise in the legit way and avoid all of this waste of time and spend your time on an advertising campaign to get you closer to your goals. People can respect that
Both. There are other people on here who have massive businesses. Their input can be valuable to me, so I asked the question.

I also want to expand my business as you suggest.

An advertising campaign is probably beneficial if people do not know what we offer. I think it's a pretty safe bet that people do know what we offer. Advertising would carry little benefit apart from it seems, appeasing those who don't understand networking, those who 'just come on here for the banter' or others who for reasons only known to them, don't like what I create threads about, but still read them!

Would my paying for advertising calm people and stop the snide comments about me, my appearance or my business? I very much doubt it.


Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #55 on: March 22, 2017, 04:21:55 pm »
There's a difference between networking and advertising. If you don't like the restriction, leave. Simple as.

Solar Steve

  • Posts: 133
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #56 on: March 22, 2017, 04:22:06 pm »
Steve, not being funny, but why do you post on here?
Simple, to better and grow my business.

I don't understand why anyone else would come on here, if not for that reason.

You had a hissy fit when you left last time. You offered nothing throughout the whole membership other than to scare off competition in solar panel cleaning unless we paid for your course and insulted us as you left.
Now you've come back to better and grow your business? Yeah right.
Two things I seem to remember was underhandedly gaining a solar farm to quote from purple rhino  I'm sure you said it was a misunderstanding.
and you asking for opinions on a management company that would handle all the legal side or your growth,  you were warned of poor service and rocketing fees and not to deal with them. But you argued everyone down. This summed you up to me
You also played the victim before. Pay for the advertising, you may have more clout with admin if we are horrible to you and those who follow your success can continue to blow smoke up your ego 😁
Again, more typical examples of claims without foundation.

I have never 'underhandedly' gained a solar farm from anyone. It isn't how I operate. I don't need to.

I use Peninsula for our legal advice and boy oh boy has it come in handy. Their service has been brilliant every single time I have called them. The amount I pay them now with 11 is the same as I paid them when I too kind no my first employee 3 years ago. I can also pay the same fee if I grow to 100 employees. That's good value.

Your final point seems to indicate that if I pay admin, the more favourably they will treat me. That seems a bit fickle doesn't it? 'Grease our palm and we will look after you'? I'm sure they don't operate like that.

Solar Steve

  • Posts: 133
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #57 on: March 22, 2017, 04:26:43 pm »
There's a difference between networking and advertising. If you don't like the restriction, leave. Simple as.
I would agree. There is a difference. Can you explain it to us?

I listed some aims of networking earlier. All of them I try do do on here. That's not advertising though is it? As you say, there's a difference.

So far, no one has told me what forum rule I am breaking, nor explain how my approach is nothing else but networking, including you.


Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #58 on: March 22, 2017, 04:42:14 pm »
There's a difference between networking and advertising. If you don't like the restriction, leave. Simple as.
I would agree. There is a difference. Can you explain it to us?

I listed some aims of networking earlier. All of them I try do do on here. That's not advertising though is it? As you say, there's a difference.

So far, no one has told me what forum rule I am breaking, nor explain how my approach is nothing else but networking, including you.
You are on here to recruit subbies and sell your course. That's a one way street. And when people that have done work for you and gave their views you have said it's their fault because they can't follow your instruction. Further, as these early subbies realise there is no money in it for them, you're running out and have had to come back to recruit more.

Why don't you just pay to advertise. It can't be that expensive can it?


  • Posts: 1628
Re: How Would You Handle My Growth?
« Reply #59 on: March 22, 2017, 04:46:18 pm »
There's a difference between networking and advertising. If you don't like the restriction, leave. Simple as.
I would agree. There is a difference. Can you explain it to us?

I listed some aims of networking earlier. All of them I try do do on here. That's not advertising though is it? As you say, there's a difference.

So far, no one has told me what forum rule I am breaking, nor explain how my approach is nothing else but networking, including you.
You are on here to recruit subbies and sell your course. That's a one way street. And when people that have done work for you and gave their views you have said it's their fault because they can't follow your instruction. Further, as these early subbies realise there is no money in it for them, you're running out and have had to come back to recruit more.

Why don't you just pay to advertise. It can't be that expensive can it?

Are you under the influence of any strange substances today?
Comfortably Numb!