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Steve Lowe

  • Posts: 177
Gutter Cam
« on: March 11, 2017, 12:15:01 pm »
Looking to get a new gutter cam that will be reliable four/five floors up.
What are you guys using ?
Steven J Lowe MBICSc

Lowes Cleaning Services Limited

SB Cleaning

  • Posts: 4271
Re: Gutter Cam
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2017, 12:47:59 pm »
I'm using a go pro...its very good although the cheap sj4000 will do the job....just pair it up with a phone and away to go ;)

Steve Lowe

  • Posts: 177
Re: Gutter Cam
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2017, 12:52:53 pm »
We use a go pro 3+ Black at the moment but once you get above a certain height Wifi is not reliable and we have to give pictures etc back to managing agents.
Steven J Lowe MBICSc

Lowes Cleaning Services Limited

Steve Lowe

  • Posts: 177
Re: Gutter Cam
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2017, 12:55:06 pm »
I am considering the skycam as that uses 2.4ghz and may be more reliable at height ?
Steven J Lowe MBICSc

Lowes Cleaning Services Limited


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Gutter Cam
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2017, 06:20:45 pm »
That's funny as I've not yet had an issues with my old hero 3+ Silver wifi dropping out at height.
What makes you think a chepo china crap wifi camera package that skyac sell at a stupid high price would be any better?



Steve Lowe

  • Posts: 177
Re: Gutter Cam
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2017, 07:09:08 pm »
Well its not just me because go pro support told me it could well drop off at height because wifi can drop off the higher you go.
The skycam is not wifi but runs on 2.4ghrz .
I have borrowed one today from a member here and it is in my opinion a more reliable connection at height and the camera zooms from the ground and also lights up which helps in bad light.
The gopro is a terrific action camera but like anything has limitations.
Steven J Lowe MBICSc

Lowes Cleaning Services Limited


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Gutter Cam
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2017, 07:19:05 pm »
Well its not just me because go pro support told me it could well drop off at height because wifi can drop off the higher you go.
The skycam is not wifi but runs on 2.4ghrz .
I have borrowed one today from a member here and it is in my opinion a more reliable connection at height and the camera zooms from the ground and also lights up which helps in bad light.
The gopro is a terrific action camera but like anything has limitations.

Might be worth having a look at the gardiner offerings.

Big drawback to me is all these types of wireless cameras with built in batteries is charging time. That means on larger jobs you either need at least one spare camera to swop over when the battery goes flat. That is the main reason why after using most types including wired camera systems I prefer to use a gopro.

Steve Lowe

  • Posts: 177
Re: Gutter Cam
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2017, 07:25:37 pm »
That's the one drawback I agree but I don't tend to video while I am cleaning just before and after to show its been done.
Will still take my gopro with me so always have a choice then.
Thanks for the link they look good as well.
Steven J Lowe MBICSc

Lowes Cleaning Services Limited