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  • Posts: 331
A mystery to me
« on: February 24, 2017, 06:01:08 am »
The other day I replaced the no. 2 vac on my Ninja. The first time I used the machine I noticed that the vac kept cutting out for a minute or so then started up again. It kept doing this all the time I was working. Has this ever happened  to you and do you know why . Is there a remedy or is the vac motor faulty?



  • Posts: 239
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2017, 08:11:34 am »
Loose connection ?

Crap in the switch?

Switch goosed?


  • Posts: 781
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2017, 08:29:20 am »
Some cheaper motors have thermal cut offs wired in.
At the end of the day a Satisfied Customer is all that counts, They'll come back and so will their friends!!!


  • Posts: 1292
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2017, 01:09:31 pm »
a cheaper motor from ebay ? as stated above, they have thermal cut off and just won't work in a HWE after a few minutes


  • Posts: 1120
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2017, 09:22:31 pm »
Right - I am now going to stick my head above the parapet and expect incoming missiles.......

Most decent ccers deride the ten quid a room operators saying the customer gets exactly what they deserve.

You then go and buy a cheapie vac unit and moan like anything when it does not perform like a unit costing 50 to 100 % more.

Buy cheap, buy twice. Why not invest in the best - having bought a dud you then lose a day or so working while you faff about, when a decent unit would be in and you would be away.
And while you are about it why not buy a spare to keep on the van. 1/2 hour and you would be back earning.

Rant over.
God must love stupid people---He made so many.

john martin

  • Posts: 2699
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2017, 10:04:50 pm »
didnt this thread happen a few times before ?   
this is where i usually suggest he snips off the thermal fuse  ( its a two minute job you know  :D )

Yes the above suggestions are correct , but now that hes bought the ebay vac ( which may not necessarily be terrible other than the fact that the chosen fuse is too low )
He would have three options ...
return the vac to the seller
snip the fuse off ...
or , try and get cool air to it  ....  see in this picture , they attached  ( even with a cable tie ) some vent hose over the top ( black plastic part ) of the motor and anchored it over a vent hole in the floor ...  chances are that might be enought to lower the vac temp below the fuse setting


  • Posts: 1292
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2017, 12:26:17 am »
Depends on how the vac was advertised - if it was specifically advertised for a carpet extractor i'd contact the seller and return it as its not fit for use.

Then buy a proper Lamb Ametek motor and just learn from it, i know i did!!


  • Posts: 331
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2017, 05:59:57 am »
Right - I am now going to stick my head above the parapet and expect incoming missiles.......

Most decent ccers deride the ten quid a room operators saying the customer gets exactly what they deserve.

You then go and buy a cheapie vac unit and moan like anything when it does not perform like a unit costing 50 to 100 % more.

Buy cheap, buy twice. Why not invest in the best - having bought a dud you then lose a day or so working while you faff about, when a decent unit would be in and you would be away.
And while you are about it why not buy a spare to keep on the van. 1/2 hour and you would be back earning.

Rant over.

Firstly, the motor cost £90.00. I've bought vac motors from this supplier before. In fact the motor I was replacing was from this supplier and lasted 3 years. Secondly, I never lost any work because of this problem as I have TWO spare machines at my disposal ( one in the van and one at home).
                                           I have contacted the suppliers and they are more than willing to replace the faulty motor so no problem there. They told me they got a new batch of vac motors delivered from a new source and they said they would be testing them to see if the motors show the same fault.
                                                     Finally, I find your post very patronising. You seem to infer that I don't know what I'm doing. Can I just say my first carpet cleaning job was on Saturday 14th March at 3pm.............................1970! and at the age of 67 I'm still cleaning carpets 6 days a week.


  • Posts: 1120
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2017, 06:04:03 pm »
I am sorry if I offended you.
Not knowing you, ( and there is no way of doing so) I assumed the post was from someone who was after a cheap deal.

God must love stupid people---He made so many.


  • Posts: 253
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2017, 06:44:34 pm »
I am sorry if I offended you.
Not knowing you, ( and there is no way of doing so) I assumed the post was from someone who was after a cheap deal.

I have known Trevor for many years he would not go out of his way to offend someone.

But he is right with his comments we all like a bargain but some of the items that are sold on ebay are not fit for the purpose for example there are pressure hose said to be suitable for a TM that is cheaper than hoses from one of the TM suppliers but when used cant take the heat.

I would rather pay a bit more and get the item from the original suppler of the machine.

But has been said maybe your supplier of the motor has had a faulty batch which does happen.


  • Posts: 331
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2017, 05:56:53 am »
I am sorry if I offended you.
Not knowing you, ( and there is no way of doing so) I assumed the post was from someone who was after a cheap deal.

Don't worry about it....................all is good. Apology accepted ;)


  • Posts: 239
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2017, 08:06:19 am »
I got a cheapy Chinese one..

The Ametek Lamb version is 300 quid...

This was 150.. Been told it has a 3 month warranty and a smart man would plan to buy a new one for just after that,..

Its had about 3 hours use as I prefer using my old prochem machine which is about half the weight of the excel.

Cheapy motors.. so far i'm their biggest fan...


  • Posts: 587
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2017, 09:13:33 am »
Tried the cheaper ones problems every time, also seem to be a lot louder. Engineer recons it's because they aren't balanced like the lambs.

One cheap motor burst into flames - supplier replaced and swapped for a lamb without any argument I think they know when they are selling you crap.

Think cheap motors may be ok in machines that get occasional use but when it's working 6 days a week  I  like to stick with what I can rely on.



  • Posts: 239
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2017, 10:44:54 am »
Well I need to replace the chinese one.. (it was only intended to get me through till i can afford a 300 quid one), and the other fan aint brilliant, not much suction..

So maybe use that 600 quid towards a better machine..

john martin

  • Posts: 2699
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2017, 12:52:32 pm »
I got a cheapy Chinese one..

The Ametek Lamb version is 300 quid...

This was 150.. Been told it has a 3 month warranty and a smart man would plan to buy a new one for just after that,..

Its had about 3 hours use as I prefer using my old prochem machine which is about half the weight of the excel.

Cheapy motors.. so far i'm their biggest fan...

these are the  lamb ametek 5.7

if u have 7.2s make some little rectangular metal adapters to bridge the gap from 5.7 to 7.2

If the motors dont have a hose connecter fitted but u need one ...  these slip ove the motor


  • Posts: 239
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2017, 02:20:54 pm »
Awesome !!

And i reckon they probably have more suction too.. Currently have 7.2's fitted which are just massive, but apparently not very powerful

Don't really need the adaptors, as the metal that holds them in place isn't fixed anyway.. Its a single piece of bendable metal.

Didn't think you could swap them across


  • Posts: 1120
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2017, 07:15:58 pm »
I have replaced quite a few 7.2s with 5.7s, they give a better performance.
Another option is to use a 6.6, this will fit and give far better performance than 5.7s or 7.2s.
A bit pricey though but the design of the brushes is better for long life.

Aceeptance accepted!!! ;)
God must love stupid people---He made so many.

john martin

  • Posts: 2699
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2017, 07:33:25 pm »

6.6 isnt that pricy ?

also ... you should be specific when you say it gives 'far better ' performance than a 5.7  ...   there is an electro 5.7  1800w with the same amount of airwatts as the 6.6

Richard Tara

  • Posts: 34
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2017, 09:06:54 pm »
Trying out the electro 5.7   1800 watt in my Express its a beast of a vac with lots of suction

carpet, upholstery, caravan cleaning for Skegness

john martin

  • Posts: 2699
Re: A mystery to me
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2017, 09:23:27 pm »
Trying out the electro 5.7   1800 watt in my Express its a beast of a vac with lots of suction

did u ask for that or did alltec suggest it as the most powerfull motor for a single vac machine ?   
Id say its a fair bit lighter than your twinvac with the three heaters ?