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  • Posts: 6159
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2017, 08:04:19 pm »
I've looked at kireth sites.

Not being funny as nice as they look most of the carpet sites look the same and use the same images.

Hardly groundbreaking stuff. Not that it needs to be for carpet cleaning but wordpress would do just as good a job at duplicating a site making a few alterations and padding it off as a custom site.

Spot the difference?

Michael H Jones

  • Posts: 161
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2017, 08:11:37 pm »
Jesus, I'm definitely in the wrong job!!

John Higgins

  • Posts: 112
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2017, 08:38:18 pm »
I wouldn't mind if he could write coherent English....but he seems incapable. And claiming to get websites on page 1 is laughable as it's so easy!! And his own website for his website business is ranked badly by Google (is he going to argue that they are wrong?).
I think he has been building average websites for people in an easy industry and getting average results.....poor form.
Plenty of people have been fobbed off with poor quality like this over the years.....check his site in the link I've posted and ask yourself if he really knows anything that can't be learnt in an hour on t'internet.

And claiming to get websites on page 1 is laughable ???
Just a few we have built please feel free to google them to see if I am telling the truth

Stockton Front Page Google


Carpet Cleaners Hull Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Bridlighton Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Glosop Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Morcambe Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Peterborough Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Syton Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Aberdare Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Horsham Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Litchfield Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Sunderland Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Sutton Coldfield Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Liester Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Barnsley Front Page of Google

Carpet Cleaners Stevenage Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Sherborne Front Page Google

Carpet Cleaners Pontypridd Front Page of Google

Carpet Cleaners Coventry Front Page of google

John Higgins

  • Posts: 112
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2017, 08:41:04 pm »
I've looked at kireth sites.

Not being funny as nice as they look most of the carpet sites look the same and use the same images.

Hardly groundbreaking stuff. Not that it needs to be for carpet cleaning but wordpress would do just as good a job at duplicating a site making a few alterations and padding it off as a custom site.

Spot the difference?

Bottom Line these Sites are £100 + £10 per month hosting they all covert and  put money in the pockets of carpet cleaners

Michael H Jones

  • Posts: 161
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2017, 09:07:08 pm »
These are just bog standard template sites that would chart on page 1 after a couple of months with no input. You are a stain on web design and clearly have no skills whatsoever. I pity anyone who pays you for this distinctly average service. You are preying on people with no real knowledge of web design..... :o
Try your site on and try to tell people you build good websites. Your sites are all virtually's so poor that it is actually offensive.

Mike Gwilliam

  • Posts: 1343
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2017, 09:17:10 pm »
These are just bog standard template sites that would chart on page 1 after a couple of months with no input. You are a stain on web design and clearly have no skills whatsoever. I pity anyone who pays you for this distinctly average service. You are preying on people with no real knowledge of web design..... :o
Try your site on and try to tell people you build good websites. Your sites are all virtually's so poor that it is actually offensive.

It's a bit rich coming from someone who's web site looks like it was built by a two year old don't you think? ;D

Michael H Jones

  • Posts: 161
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2017, 09:34:04 pm »
It's built using Google Sites - and yes, I have severe limitations - which is why I'm interested in Wordpress. It doesn't alter the fact that Mark/John is charging people for putting up template sites that could be made in 2 minutes. And he is calling himself a web designer when he can't even write a coherent sentence  ;D

Mike Gwilliam

  • Posts: 1343
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2017, 10:29:12 pm »
It's built using Google Sites - and yes, I have severe limitations - which is why I'm interested in Wordpress. It doesn't alter the fact that Mark/John is charging people for putting up template sites that could be made in 2 minutes. And he is calling himself a web designer when he can't even write a coherent sentence  ;D

In my experience having employed quite a few different web designers over the years, it seems to me that everyone has different qualities, strengths or weaknesses when it comes to creative page layout, seo, coding and perhaps dealing with function errors.
The first web designer I employed is probably unmatched at making visually stunning and exquisite web sites but lacked any knowledge whatsoever in seo. Another was superb at seo but didn't have the imagination for attractive page layout. Another was good at Wordpress but yet again I was never happy with the end result.

All people are different and there will be few people who are good at every aspect of web design.
Nowadays I get someone to look after the maintenance of my sites and after learning Wordpress over the last 6 years, I do all the layout and seo because I dont feel that I can leave it up to someone else to do but that's just me. Also I've probably spent at least 250 hours over the years and it would have cost me a fortune to employ someone.

If someone is making reasonably good web sites that are converting, ranking very well despite them being templates, there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever especially for £100!
My opinion is that if you want something special, you have to go to someone who's speciality it is and is prepared to spend a good length of time doing it, and your pockets are deep for the final bill. It can take quite some time to make a visually good looking landing page, preparing the wording (some people employ writers), checking the word count, keyword density, navigation links, picture sourcing sizing artwork, paragraph spacing, checking layout on devices , dealing with errors etc etc.

If you have severe limitations yourself and not much experience,  it's not quite cricket to come on here and antagonise people who are doing a perfectly good job I recon.

Michael H Jones

  • Posts: 161
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2017, 12:17:45 am »
Actually, if someone is advertising on this forum to be a website expert and is clearly showing a lack of professional skill then they need to be called to account.
This chap is showing a great deal of skill in putting up generic, template websites for customers, which suggests a minimal knowledge of web design. And that he seems to be semi-literate is merely a side issue.
I am happy to learn more about Wordpress, and run things myself......but this guy is clearly not a web designer. Please understand that this guy has no more coding knowledge than anyone reading this. His websites are just basic templates and are not worth buying . It is SCAM level nonsense.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #29 on: February 04, 2017, 06:47:07 am »
Mike the problem you've got is that most people who are following this topic have looked at your website which has been  described  as been Done by a 2 year old and you admit has severe limitations and they have looked at marks template websites that he does for £100 (and he gets them on the first page of Google)

You can slag him off all you want but at the moment he is laughing his tits off at you. Mark is not a paid member of CIU  he is just a regular member as such he is not allowed to advertise his services....... but look at this topic!!! you could not have done him a bigger favour, he has posted his prices, he has posted a massive list of his websites for members to look at. Under normal circumstances this would not have been allowed but he is just responding to members.

Your criticism of him is well over the top but if we are honest the people reading this topic couldn't care less about your opinion, shall I tell you what they are thinking....... " what!! I can get a website like the ones listed for £100 + £10 a month!!!!...... What that guys phone number?" Do you think they care it's a template and another website in another town looks similar?.  they know it's a template and don't care

You think you are having a go at Mark but really  you are his best mate, people are not daft you can keep slagging him off but it will do zero harm to his reputation and will just get more people giving him business
Mike Halliday.

Ian Harper

Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2017, 09:05:31 am »

I have used wordpress for years and it works great. I would not pay someone else to build a website as you have designers and seo guys. you need to know the difference many designers might be great at design but dont know how pages work together.

Pages that are linked together are called silos and give you a much broader and less watered down site.

Regards hacking of wordpress I had a few in early days but soon learnt that you must updating every-time a new version comes out. which is really easy as it does it for you all you need do it hit a button.

learn how to do this yourself and you will save loads of money and be better for it.

if you dont want to then use sites like get a free lancer. great value for money and much cheaper that local UK guys. these guys really know what they are doing. again you will need first a great looking site that works well on mobile as well as PC and tablet, then you need a guy for the seo side. These site are like checkatrader in that a person rep in on the line. BTW always set up a account & password on your server or web provider. that you can delete after the work is done and that goes for UK base guys as well.

If your on trustatrader and local you will get a top seo slot as both are trusted links and have more value that normal ones. so dont worry to much about seo position, just be patience as regards seo as google will spider your site quickly but only indexes once every 3 months.

Good luck

benny d

  • Posts: 706
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2017, 10:21:35 am »
Wow I opened up a hornets nest!
Thanks for all the interesting reading.

I see one post and think i will try him, then someone else slags off that person, and say this person is good, then that one gets lynched etc etc.
But all this argument has just lead back to the start for me. Who do I go to for a good web site? Still so confused. :(
"If i'm not in action, I'm in traction"
Voted 397th best looking carpet cleaner in West Sussex 2015. Up 10 from last year...

Tibi N.

  • Posts: 29
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2017, 04:55:58 pm »
I use wordpress since 2009 and it's great for ranking. As for design options, I don't really care to much.

Ian Harper

Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #33 on: February 05, 2017, 04:23:14 am »

I use a theme that is like windows tablet OS whats interesting is that great for all devices and scales great for mobile. I think its a big issue for business on the web to have a site that looks good on all devices. I see a lots of text based designed sites that just dont scale well on mobile.

John Higgins

  • Posts: 112
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2017, 04:07:21 pm »
Actually, if someone is advertising on this forum to be a website expert and is clearly showing a lack of professional skill then they need to be called to account.
This chap is showing a great deal of skill in putting up generic, template websites for customers, which suggests a minimal knowledge of web design. And that he seems to be semi-literate is merely a side issue.
I am happy to learn more about Wordpress, and run things myself......but this guy is clearly not a web designer. Please understand that this guy has no more coding knowledge than anyone reading this. His websites are just basic templates and are not worth buying . It is SCAM level nonsense.

Hi, I have a degree in computer programming from Hull University and also an HND in Electronic Engineering...... does this not qualify me as a programmer???


  • Posts: 6159
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #35 on: February 05, 2017, 04:36:30 pm »
I enjoy playing with wordpress, so i choose to build my own for that reason and also because i dont find it too hard to rank for cleaning keywords. If i did i would have no hesitation in paying someone as i am sure wordpress isnt the best for coding but i am not that knowledgable, whats great about it is it does the job without having to know that much.

Like John has said his sites are cheap and do the job so i can understand why he uses a simple template design now.

John Higgins

  • Posts: 112
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #36 on: February 05, 2017, 04:45:02 pm »
I enjoy playing with wordpress, so i choose to build my own for that reason and also because i dont find it too hard to rank for cleaning keywords. If i did i would have no hesitation in paying someone as i am sure wordpress isnt the best for coding but i am not that knowledgable, whats great about it is it does the job without having to know that much.

Like John has said his sites are cheap and do the job so i can understand why he uses a simple template design now.

The system I have designed is the system I use for building bigger interactive sites, its is based around my own application framework and follows a mvc coding pattern. The content creation elements are again based on my own modular framework and is object based. which allows me to quickly create sites. the front and frame work is Uikit 3 which is the most efficient CSS / java script front end available.

Although in essence the system is a CMS at the point of creation all the site are deployed as static Html Sites.

So have no overhead of a php engine or database this makes them extremely fast and as secure.

Ian Harper

Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #37 on: February 06, 2017, 03:44:18 am »

do you solo your pages and how many would you say is good for keyword theme. also how do you go about relating keywords?


Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #38 on: February 06, 2017, 08:12:41 am »
Hi Guys

I use Wordpress and find them very good and easy to use provided you follow a tutorial.

I don't know why so many of these Website threads quickly descend into 'I've got a bigger one than you', we are after all trying to achieve the same thing which is more sales.



John Higgins

  • Posts: 112
Re: Is Wordpress what a Web Design...
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2017, 09:22:01 am »

do you solo your pages and how many would you say is good for keyword theme. also how do you go about relating keywords?


Yes on smaller sites we tend to group under cleaning services
on larger sites with more diverse services we group appropriate
services together.

Re keyword density Title H1 and 4 x 5 times in the text is sufficient
Also We use Schema Mark Up Which Seems to be slightly reducing the need for
keyword density.

With Cross linking services on Site Pages although google says you should do this
with in the body of your pages We so a slight negative impact on this. So only link
all services from front page and just leave the menu structure linking on other pages.